The Captain
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloodied, but unbowed.
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Illustration by Leonard Everett Fisher
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloodied, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Illustration by Leonard Everett Fisher
I am my soul, one pulse in infinite spirit.
Soul memory and south node.
I have questions.
I notice things, like this:
Some years ago when i met my Leo friend it happened this way. I was walking down a busy city sidewalk. Six lanes of cars buzzing past, i was surrounded by rushing people hurrying to work, i "felt" a presence just behind me somewhat off to the right.
The light stopped me at the intersection the presence stepped into my field of vision. We began talking as if we were resuming some conversation we had started minutes before.
Recognition, yet without perfect recall. Is this an aspect of South node?
Years later i discover his South Node is on my mercury.
I can't believe this. Everything is topsy turvy,and I just tuned in when I never do, and here you are.
I just had a wonderful experience concerning my recent flood.
And a wonderful link on the spotlight thread has appeared from a magic guest in a sprirt of generosity.
Do you remember what you talked about?
This could well be. The nodal contacts are amazing and always karmic. Always for our education in the deepest way. His SN would have information for all your Sagittarius. I do think the South has the entire memory of the sign. And language/communication are the Sag/Gemini.
His North in Gemini is also about dissemination of the information. So your Mercury is his teacher.
I mentioned before my thought that the SN in Sagittarius knows all the languages ever created.
I'd love to look at his chart if you're willing, especially when we do the charts in the node discussion.
It's all coordinated. The Leo to share your 5th house Uranus destiny, and the Sag South for your expansion of wisdom and knowledge. Your communication of it which you said is yet to come fully. I think the time is is here. His NN in Gemini is magnificent.
The link below is proof.
I think the Pluto transit to your Sun is working. The radiance has to emit now. That's where a good strong Leo, a wonderful artist, fits in.
We must inspire one another and get out in the airwaves. I hear the calling. Its irresistible.
The talk is good as we get to know one another in this precious network and make our plans. All for the world to see and particiapte in. This is a new way of doing it. Many will learn.
It's time.
Pluto is through with my Moon and your Sun, and the Leo is the most knowing Sagittarius of all. He will guide. All he needs to do is to keep communicating.
Fear is a sign that we are arriving at a point of extraordinary individuation.
This came from a link on the spotlight thread just below from a spirit who appeared in Cspace to deliver a message. Sige.
It has everything to do with this post and our individual destinies.
Our Paths
The link below is proof.
Meaning that people are hearing you.
Woa! just read the contribution by Sige on the Spotlight blog, what a contribution!
Do you remember what you talked about?
Years have passed with only the briefest of contact, yet remarkably we both remember the conversation as if it happened a few seconds ago.
It began "Shall we walk together?" "Yes, we are going the same direction" And the meaning was clear on multiple levels.
Much of it was just what we have been discussing recently. The healing path, the creative path of solitude and how that flows back to society.
Wonder what you will think of this: Uranus conjunct his NN in Gemini.
12 Aug 1946 12:05pm 33N57 117w24
Isn't that link great?
Whoa is right. The chart! I'll study it tonight.
What a great opening line to a long wonderful relationship. I had the same recognition when I met my partner. The minute I saw him I knew I would be with him until he died.
The Uranus conjunction to the North in Gemini is genius material. I'll have to look at the chart to see the house rulership to elaborate. Telepathic communication is common with this and unusual insights and solutions to problems can also be indicated. Advanced in many ways.
One Interesting part of the Sag/Gem opposition is the love of country and ivory tower (Sag), and the need to socialize and join with society on a more equal basis.(Gem).
The photos are a good example. The exotic far-away locatin and the close connection with the people.
Some say that the whole path of the relationship is revealed in the first moments. All you have to do is refer to those.
Shall we talk together?
So the the bridge to communication comes through you with your Gemini Mercury conjuct his South.
Sometimes SN Sadge's feel they know too much and the people won't understand. Sometimes they try to hard to advise others. It can manifest in many ways but the moat between the people and the person is painful. Maybe that's why the photos are so intimate and say so much. The eyes, etc.
I'm going to review them, Lots of landscapes. This could be the dilemma, since you mentioned the people most af all in his photos.
Once you get into the nodes, one thing leads to another. There's a sense that this is special and maybe could be part of the memory you speak of so often. If we have other lives, the clues could be here and we sense it. Some string we are connected to in all our incarnations. We are all so different, one of the best things in life.
This is why I wanted to take a lot of time. Analyze the charts in depth since this is where the learning will come as you connect with yourself and others.
One of my greatest frustrations is how quickly people leave subjects in conversation when so little has been covered. The long slow searching for more and more secret passages in communication is the greatest treat in the world for me. And picking up the thread after a pause. This medium is perfect for that.
Uranus in Gemini knows this. The preliminaries are just the start. My partner had a NN in Gemini and I always refer to our relationship as the 25 year conversation.
There's a sense that this is special and maybe could be part of the memory you speak of so often. If we have other lives, the clues could be here and we sense it. Some string we are connected to in all our incarnations.
That is what i am wondering. Perhaps you recall an earlier conversation where i mentioned my beloved had his NN on my asc. The instant recognition of him, my back turned to the door i nearly fainted from nausea, the room rolled just from "feeling" his presence enter the space - not even seeing him.
Looking at the folks where there is that unusual connection i note that the nodes prominent.
Hmm, then I'm going to have to study the nodes of my SO's chart and mine...
Get ready! It's a comin!
The instant recognition of him, my back turned to the door i nearly fainted from nausea, the room rolled just from "feeling" his presence enter the space - not even seeing him.
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!! Air sickness!
Same when I met mine. We ended up sitting on the floor whereupon he drew a flower on the center of my left breast. I was smitten.
Also interesting is that the only food in the house was a ham. And was he a ham???????
You two have nodal contacts, joe. You'll love this.
One little one. Your Mercury/Neptune is conjunct his NN in Sagittarius. Communicating without speaking. Or maybe you can articulate what he senses. He knows more than he knows. Your Neptune picks it up, and the Mercury expresses it.
Oh oh Joe that seems so true to what you have told us.
Air sickness hahahaha. Hit turbulence for sure!
I love your story JM the 25 year conversation. I can so appreciate this, i suspect others were mystified by you two. Maybe eliciting an even stronger response? Unusual relationships, Uranus, yes indeed.
The houses where the NN falls in another's chart is a good spot. Joe's SO's falls in the 7th. Good for equal relationship.
My NN in Taurus falls in Joe's 12th house intercept, so I make him feel comfortble in sharing some of the isolation and retreat of the 12th. There can be almost too much comfort staying in that Taurus 12th and despair and delusion can build, sinking into the depths, but my NN probably makes it more tangible to the outside world, and provides a inner tube to ride the waves!
I still don't know the trick to banking on the positives that are always there in relationships, in lieu of the pain. Or at least as a healthy adjunct.
i suspect others were mystified by you two.
They were completely entranced. They called us the most together/apart couple they'd ever seen. Uranus. And they all said we were soul mates. They loved our relationship even when they didn't like me, which was often.
The NN in Gemini is brother/sister. I always felt he was my brother. He said that he felt more kinship with me than with his own family. The moment I found him, I knew him. Even the way we lay together was like two members of some ancient brood. Very close in an odd way.
Another thing was how he left me. There was a completeness in our life together, and he had Mars and Jupiter on my NN in Taurus. He helped me find myself.
He died when Saturn was in Aries in my 12th and the Moon was in Aries that night. So I was able to go on solo in my life having had enough relationship to carry me forward alone. My mother died with the Moon in the same place.
So despite all the conflict, the NN contacts set me ahead in my individuation in a big way.
BTW. I recognized his scent. This is one of the things that came up in the article "sige" posted about returning to our instincts and recognizing our natural selves.
I recognized his scent.
OMG. I went to Molly's North Node site to read the tutorial on nodes. I see exactly what you said all along, jm, about my nodes.
But one question I have is, is the SN always on the lower half of the chart? If so, then he's a SN Sag, but you stated he's a NN Sag. Huh?
And Molly's description of a SN Sag fits because he's always interrupting me or not letting me finish what I have to say. I've fought back and asserted my need to say what I have to say. Because the communicative qualities of Gemini should not be limited to expressive communication but receptive also. Am I on the right track?
Nope, you're right, he's a NN Sag.
Reading around i discovered that from Vedic point of view NN in Gemini is exalted and SN in Sag is exalted. The natural home for the node being the 0 Capricorn / O Cancer. Remembering the nodes are traveling backwards 0 Capricorn through 0 Sag would be the first house of the south.
This is interesting to contemplate in light of some of the previous threads about the bridge of souls and Hel. (The last three degrees of Sag.) The galactic center and The Great Attractor all being in the natural first house of the South node.
Repeating patterns.
The nodes can be anywhere in the chart.
he's always interrupting me or not letting me finish what I have to say. I've fought back and asserted my need to say what I have to say.
That's not so much his node as your Saturn in Gemini always making you struggle to be heard.
Maybe the best thing would be to ignore the interruptions and finish your sentences. I'd bet if you do this consistenly he'll adjust. Your Neptune though, probably gives up too easily. But his NN is out help you with all of this. It might not appear that way, but it is.
That's interesting tseka. I'll have to incorporate and see what comes up.
The thing that complicates it joe, and why the node reads like the South, is because of his SN in Gemini on your ascendant. That adds to your communication hesitation.
The SN Geminis usually end up babbling about things they really don't want to.
All these factors can be used as motivation to get you to speak up and clearly. If you do that, the other things will fall into place.
Tseka, Rick's chart is very very unusual. The 4 planet stellium in Libra all in your 7th is something.
I've never seen a chart like his. It's a perfect kite formation including all the planets. And not only that, the all important planet at the tip is exactly on the bottom of the chart. Really really amazing. Very focused, very elegant and beautiful. He has a special destiny.
I usually recognize this in a chart. It wants to be known.
I would like to study this one with you. It's a great opportunity for me as an astrologer.
I have a kite but not as perfect as his. The kites are so graceful and clean. I think people with them often know what they want to do and feel a definite calling, even if not entirely clear. They still feel it.
it's absolutely stunning. The Moon at the bottom, the Sun at the top.
Such coordination. Such a perfect dance.
The Sun in leo at the MC is his destiny as he shines brilliantly in the world, but what is most intriguing and important is the Moon in Aquarius at the bottom. This is the pivotal placement to get him flung into the far reaches of the universe where he is headed.
So I gather that his Moon is seeking your Aquarius/Uranus, and he senses how much you can help him just by being yourself.
This one gives me the bumps. I'll go into further detail tomorrow if you're around and we can talk about this.
His Jupiter conjuncts your Neptune. You can imagine the inspiration.
His Scorpio rising Pluto is conjunct that Sun on the MC. Oh this is phenomenal!
An amazing man. A lot to cover. And an amazing woman.
Ja, an amazing man. Very powerful.
We can talk all night. Thank god for night and weekend minutes!
i would love to speak with you about this chart i noted the kite myself and the moon / sun seemed so dramatic especially with the midpoint Sco Asc. (on my Venus no less)
I will be off today gathering art supplies be back tonight - in time for your day, most likely..
Before i knew his birth time i guessed 15 degrees of Taurus as his ASC. For a man with no earth in his chart he seems completely earthy, grounded, solid. It wasn't hard to guess his Leo. Hahaha. I was off by a few days on that. The man is a mad skydiver and climber. Most of the places in his galleries above timberline i have climbed. They were the playground of my youth. They are the subjects of my paintings. We see the same.
Out hiking we encountered a female Bighorn Sheep leading a male down a granite dome. They stopped to flash their tails at us making sure we noticed them. We laughed feeling it was something of a mirror of us.
For a man with no earth in his chart he seems completely earthy, grounded, solid.
Very common as many find grounding activities to compensate. The lack of earth is fascinating. I also have no earth. There is reason for this as people need to reach heights without the gravity of earth pulling them down. It can be good and bad. It's hard for me to turn creativity into eartly productivity, so I'd like to know how he does it.
The man is a mad skydiver and climber.
Earth defying.
What a great story about those funny sheep. The animals are so good to us. Humor us, comfort us, teach us, in spite of the human folly. They know.
His chart is like an ancient symbol. A shield or something like that. It's amazing, the tip at the bottom and the way it stands up. There is something specific here and probably mystifying.
The way he reaches for high spots is a lot of the story. I aways live in the mountains. Could be partly the kite flying up.
Our Venuses are trustworthy and interesting the way they seek pleasure in relationship. The planet that falls on or near the ASC of anyone tells a huge story about what the other is seeking.
That's why his pivotal Moon, which falls on your ASC is a lot of it.
Scorpio is bondage and merging, while the Aquarius Moon is freedom and detachment. Major conflict in his life. So here it plays out with your Scorp and Aquarius. I'd like to know about this.
His Scorpio is needed to add emotional depth with no water elsewhere. Hard to get at being the ASC., again where you figure in.
Also, one planet in an element can be attention getting like none.
An artist needs a tremendous amount of detachment to fullfil his destiny, but a lot of feeling to do whole work. Always a challenge.
I think the Scorpio Asc here takes an analytical path here. Degrees in Sociology, minor in psych along with the BFA. Mechanical engineering was past career. How things work. How people interact in community and environment are all primary interests. The cool detachment.
He is often sought as counselor.
The trines and sextiles suggest ease but the history is anything but...early loss of mother, then father in violence, courage was required.
Scoprio merging could also be the intense desire for solitude in wilderness. Trusting fate. A kind of surrender and merging which is similar to that which i seek just a different realm, tho when i think about it, this was my path before my son was born. Wilderness trekking alone, paints and paper in the backpack.
Life filled with women and never a commitment to any. Yet they are all sitll his friends. That Libra Venus in 11th probably helps that Aquarius moon.
The photos tell all probably.
If you really look at them you see the willingness to stand in the freezing rain for hours to catch the clouds breaking just so, a willingness to stand in a winter river in hipwaders waiting for the sunrise to light the rock and spill in amazing colours over the black surface, or walk for 150 miles....What most of us could not or would not do comes with ease to him, the beauty of the unfolding scene serves the transformational Pluto Sun on the cusp of the 10. When looked at like that it would seem that all the players on the points of the kite keep the wheel turning with ease. But it works for him alone. Not many of us would think any of this easy. (and believe me he is trying to convince me it is...haha i know better!)
I've been comparing your kite with my leo's. I see what you mean about the similarities.
For my Leo the tension with the asc in in perfect square to the mc /ic, maybe the camera helps bypass some of the "self"
in your chart the Asc is part of the grand trine. The tension is in the 6th with the MC and the planets in the 3rd. To me that looks harder to resolve the production end...maybe the costuming is your intuitive key. Not that i know anything about anything. Just what struck me.
You got it tseka. This is how to read a chart well. You noticed the square to his kite vs the trine to mine. Big big difference. And very few people notice the Mars/Neptune square to the MC in my chart. The tension is also in the Sun sq the ASC. My Cancer in the 4th wants to stay home safe and protected. The Aries wants out experiencing life, including dangers.
In R's chart the Scorpio ASC is also inward and protective, in conflict with the expressive Sun. But his Sun is above and triumphs more easily. Maybe the Scorpio tones it down just enough. The Scorpio most of all gives him the depth/pain of experience to be a great artist.
early loss of mother, then father in violence, courage was required.
Very commom with a Scorpio ASC.
In your case, the ruling Uranus in Cancer inconjunct the Sun is similar. The emotions and fears holding back some of the Sun's full expression.
The ASC is very very very important, and an understanding of the interplay is invaluable.
You know. I think you're right about the costuming. This is forthcoming. The flood ocurred right next to my costume room, but not inside and no damage. I hear the call, though. The costume is the shield for my sensitive Cancer plus the expression of the Leo actress. Important and must be faced.
Once I get out into my trine I fly, but it takes doing. As Pluto comes into the opposition to my Sun, I will have little choice.
You do so well with the charts. It is intuitive mostly. You don't need all the complication, only if you want it.
More on his history in bit as it relates to the chart.
Water is necessary for great art, but not too much. It is the feeling part, but too much can create sentimentality, the bane of the good artist.
We come into the ASC as we live, so maybe he will become more of a merger, even with the Aquarius Moon. The SN in Sag is education which is part of why he went for all the degrees.
The main thing with Leo is the feeling of being in love. The tricky part for the artist is how they keep that feeling going without all the personal entanglements and melodramas. Especially with Uranus involved.
If either of you have any ideas, let me know.
This is very satisfying, doing charts with you. I've always had luck with wise people who are not overly schooled in the science. You're talented in this. We can all learn so much and tap our potential analyzing with one another with the blueprint as a guide.
The Mars in the 6th is truly a tension point. It goes into Neptune so all that I do fizzles into the ethers. Neptune takes me on a convoluted path, and I have to trust, so if the path goes to great success, square the MC, then I will go.
On the other hand, the Saturn in Leo is a lesson in will. Maybe it's time to direct the ship more.
The act between the Sun and ASC in every chart is fascinating.
My Cancer wants to stay curled in an umbilical position under the covers and never emerge. My Aries wants the big wide world so this is the dance. The Cancer cries, "Don't make me go! It will hurt" The Aries responds, "Get up!!! Out!!! I will protect you, and if perchance a wound is incurred, you can come home and nurse it. Let's go now!"
So back and forth I go. When I get back home, I don't want to deal with it. When I get out, with the Moon in Sagittarius, I never want to go back home.
Eventually the tension is supposed to catapault me out in a big way.
The ruler, Mars in the 6th, however, points toward a job as the solution!
In your case, the Aquarius wants a mental experience. The Sun, a total experience, intuitive, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The Aquarius can't think clearly in the midst of all that turbulent excitement. Then then Uranus in Cancer wants the emotional the most, and protection like my Sun. So they can be perturbed with the Sag always wanting more experience and breaking boundaries. Cancer wants to stay in them safe. Some of my dilemma.
Uranus is inconjunct the MC. A lot like my case. Cancer/Sag. Mercury conjunct. Mental. Verbal.
One of the most interesting things about pure Sagittarius is its love of all experience. It really doesn't matter if it's good or bad. They don't differentiate. In fact both are necessary to the wisdom Sagittarius desires. They learn from everything.
It's possible that the USA Sag ASC, now being developed is experiencing life in a heightened way in this quest. Bush's SN in Sag is telling, as he represents the negative side.
This discussion has helped me see through a lot of the confusion i had with Clinton who shares much of r's chart. A Leo with that Sag SN says a lot.
There is a big dance on r's kite the transiting Neptune (water) on the moon (air) on the IC dissolving, plus the Saturn on the Leo Sun adding Earth to Fire so at the moment all four elements are involved. Perhaps the wildcard is the Uranus in mutual reception adding power to the Neptune. Something outside the norm but connected that will tug the whole? It is an interesting refection of the moment. Has a lot to say about our prior thread -who stands in the spotlight. This has been the topic between r and myself. The injudicious lighting of all, the rise of the mediocre to eclipse true talent.
Listening to your chart, it would seem that your talent merges with a safe home similar to a private jazz club on one of those muddy rivers of the south. You have created similar here. A snug home to present your luminous talent. Now if we could just figure out how to hear you with our ears. The sixth is about jobs ja, but can it not be about process as well. Much as you dislike recording...maybe a live radio streaming over internet.
I hate selling. With galleries i only get about 1/3 of the sales price into my pocket. Selling directly through fairs and festivals has the money advantage but exhausts me. My Uranus in cancer in the 5th does say stay home find an alternative path to the collective with my Sun/MC.
Has a lot to say about our prior thread -who stands in the spotlight. This has been the topic between r and myself. The injudicious lighting of all, the rise of the mediocre to eclipse true talent.
Tseka, I can't begin to express the fullness of this statement, how much this means to me. The tragedy of my life. You can see it again happening right now. The tears I usually contain are threatening. The eclipsing of true talent. Sometimes the forceful rejection in favor of the unfulfilling. We aren't alone. All artists in history, our ancestors, have had to endure this. They are the dreamers who want a better world. Maybe different from mystics who shun the world and don't worry. But I find that artisits have uaually had a social calling as well. A need to have their insides exposed. And what a situation to expose it in. That's the search. Where?
R has the Saturn in leo like I do which adds to the eclipse, shadow over the true light. he is so talented. You are so talented. I am so talented. Kadimiros understands this which is why I like to sort it out with him and his North Node in Leo.
My man recognized it completely but my karma has led me to go forward alone to find the recognition in the world, and it is daunting. The elevation of the mediocre is universal. He was a great artisit but not interested in the world. But he believed I was going to be a success.
R and I are having the Saturn return and the tragedy returns full force. You are so right about his Moon in Aquarius now. This is leaving the past behind and seriously becoming an artist in the world.
It's set up this way for reasons. So many artists really don't care that much about the world, mostly about their vision. So maybe the elevation of the real thing is our responsibility. But how do we learn?
Maybe it's expectation, since I've seen this movement to the lesser lights every time. Every every time. All the awards.
I'm am so sympatico with r and you. And hopeful that there is rhyme and reason to this meeting in terms of our light in the world, as well as the treasured friendship.
Some of it for me might be dropping the BS and putting my all into this insanely difficult task. Me and the world. Jeeze.
So glad I found you.
The sixth is about jobs ja, but can it not be about process as well.
Absolutely. Neptune is involved so the muddy is also cloudy!
These are the details and I'm not really worried about them. It's mostly the threshold where I commit myself to the outer expression and risk everything that comes with exposure. Hiding my light has been extremely safe and comfortable.
But you will hear me. Knowing you has made this more of a reality.
It's like a precious egg that I hold all wrapped up in silks or something. I slowly unwrap it and show the people, hoping they will have reverence. Then.....
In the past they have wanted it to be uglier, harder, and more painful so they recognize it as what they know. That's when I part ways. The only answer is mighty confidence that will never submit to these demands. They will have to accept the beauty. And grace. Most miss the subtlety and nuance altogether, and these are the foundation of my work.
Selling? How do you put a price on it? Already that sinks it into another realm. So artists usually have agents do the dirty work. And that's excruciating. The galleries are hideous. My man once sent a letter to the editor about a woman at an opening with her dog. He called it, "Best dressed dog". And it got published!
I know what you mean about the fairs. I think they even get more exhausting as time goes on.
My Uranus in cancer in the 5th does say stay home find an alternative path to the collective with my Sun/MC
Let's do it.
I'm making a pledge right now. You recognize it all.
JM's Jazzrap Cafe is going to be the springboard for the artist in the world.
Feeling is mutual JM
Well i'm thinking there may be something to this Mars with Neptune in Libra we all share.
Gotta comment here that Pluto has been no slouch in the transformation department as he passes trough my 10th. You just had him over your moon and jupiter. The 10th is coming up.
Ha ha ha well, well, well, it just occurred to me that Pluto was on my mercury and r's SN the day we met. Sure 'nuf just went and confirmed it. Astrology. Dang. The universe puts all the puzzle parts out there then shakes it up and lets us feel, listen, pay attention.
THEN figure out what the heck it all means. IF anything.
THEN figure out what the heck it all means. IF anything.
It really is a blueprint. A navigational map. For example, now that Pluto is coming to my MC, and Saturn to my 6th, I will work. No doubt about it.
Seriously: in terms of my lifelong musical goals. And I imagine a public life in a big way. So I'm not rushing it, nor will I stall it when the time comes. I'll let it take it's natural course. And get my costumes ready!
Right now Pluto is exactly opposite my Uranus, ruling the 11th. Have you noticed some developments with the crowd lately?..:-)
It's in an uncomfortable passage but will leave the situation in a renewed place. Good 'ol Pluto.
it just occurred to me that Pluto was on my mercury and r's SN the day we met. Sure 'nuf just went and confirmed it. Astrology. Dang.
Ain't that beautiful? It defines a deep communication that will never die. Pluto is regeneration so there's always more. This defines the whole relationship, and because of where Pluto is now in your chart, I think this "chance" meeting in the traffic has everything to do with your artistic future.
Pluto rules your 9th so a journey is involved, and Mercury rules your 4th so the emotional connection in your talk is right at the core, your deepest self.
Similar to your Uranus exactly on my IC. Emotional comfort.
But it gets interesting when you add my Jupiter at 20 Sag. That's why I resonate so much with your relationship. There's something for all of us.
I would love to go into the Mars/Neptune in detail. I will. It's a beaut.
I also have something else to tell you shortly.
Remember when we talked about Pluto seeing beneath the surface? That's part of the Pluto/Merc too. He didn't just see you standing there. He SAW you. And he has a photographer/artist's eye.
I can't help but repeat what a special man I think he is.
But this isn't what I was going to tell you. Be back in a mo.
Going into the charts in depth this way is wonderful. I have things to ask you about my coming Pluto transit square my 0 degree Mars. Very soon. I also can't get enough of your Pluto/Sun transit. What a doozy. You're into something big.
But this still isn't what I was going to tell you!
This is my marketing plan and why I got this fool computer in the first place.
I have no preconceived ideas about the magnitude of my success or exactly how it will transpire. All I want is connection with, and response from an audience, on a regular basis.
I think it will be word of mouth. We have to sing it from the mountain ourselves. A cosmic grapevine. I feel that my success will be an entity in itself if I really want it. It will find me.
When people find out I am a musician their faces light up and they ask immediately where I'm playing. So my plan was to create cards on the computer advertising where I am at the moment. Different ones for each place, designed to attract in the right way. I will do my own promotion and wherever the success goes, I will follow.
Small might be good, but big could work too. Since it's new to me, I will have to see how it unfolds. If there is a desire for what I do in the world, then there I go. The most important part is true desire for success. If that's there, it will come and the path will be shown to me.
I'm certainly not desperate, so there is plenty of time. I expect to meet my success, which might already exist, somewhere on my path yet to be determined. The reason I think it's coming is because I don't think I can grow at this point without it. And I know that genuine response is extremely nurturing to development. This is what I want. To grow as an artist. No more.
Listening to your chart
Love that. No wonder.
So many ideas, also commented on the blog below re: recognition and quality.
JM, a static webpage? That showcases a song? With dates for your appearances?
If we're still using the Way of the Celestial Lights as our model for the Way of the Human, then we can use the idea of creating our own matrix/mandela, "strings of light," net of Indra, but one continually in flux, or in flow (flowing). Your music will reach the ones it will reach... the string will vibrate, resonate, a new net created. Not just using pretty words here, thinking concretely.
Maybe it is these places, these moments of mandala, that we are responsible for, if we are responsible for anything that concerns the collective.
The mandalas are created, as the monks create them, then blown away. Scattered to the waters and the winds.
Could this be our way of connection on the fourth way?
The moments of quality, love and art are then given back to the ground via human energy. (Wow, humans giving back to the ground, what a new concept, ha!)
Anything that remains concrete, tseka's paintings, recording of songs, words on paper, are left to an individual to contemplate. No hardened form of notion. No hardened form of mandala around the creation. No priests to interpret. No collective to distort.
The fourth way. Maybe.
Sige! I am in agreement, totally, about he mandala, For years now i have been referring to it as the circle of Hel. The ancient stone dances, many above the Arctic circle, chart multiple layers of transformation.
Last night R and i talked for long hours about artists collectives and guilds, too much to say here. I need to ponder some about his thoughts which have shifted mine.
One thing we have observed is the indecisiveness of people in general. As if they are waiting for the "priesthood" to speak. You know of my theory that all patterns follow an intrinsic design. If only 1-3% of DNA is encoding it only makes sense that 1-3% of the population is encoding the remainder hold the structure. The 97 sense the structure is crumbling but they have no new model.
Last night R and i made some plans for collaboration on a book of his Tibet/ Nepal journey. I will provide the prose. Writing out of my heart, my responses to the people. One small gift, a seed that can fall into the hands of many that shifts the idea of beauty sideways.
In small places like this we have found kindred. (KJ i am hoping you can join us more often) The keepers of the copperlined boxes set aside by Hel are remembering. Now it the time to open the boxes. Not for individual glory, for the whole. If we unroll the bundles and let the tones out into the universe how can they not be heard?
This is the image of Tibetan prayer flags disintegrating into the wind. The wind is unstoppable.
R and i have spoken of how we have been isolated from the group. Necessary. In small ways we are letting go of the solitude to knit the gifts together.
Much has been said of the Baby Boom selfishness, but i think of all the civil rights changes, consciousness changes that were brought into society by just a few.
Perhaps this is Saturn visiting Pluto in Leo again. He adds earth to the fire for transformation.
Oh thanks be. We're on track. So much has happened in the last hours. Commotion here has me up entirely and there is so much to respond to here. Be back momentarily.
Sige, thanks for the input. A lot to say on this.
It would be wonderful to gather like spirits at Jazzrap. I am going to put everything into the springboard as we endure the harsh world and give one another added strength. The poets I know are fragile.
Maybe it is these places, these moments of mandala, that we are responsible for, if we are responsible for anything that concerns the collective.
I think we are responsible. I think the resposibility rests on being true to the best in ourselves. The mandala you mention sounds like my concentric circle theory. I think we've learned sige to stay centered and radiate out rather than go in and attack. I know I have.
Anything that remains concrete, tseka's paintings, recording of songs, words on paper, are left to an individual to contemplate. No hardened form of notion. No hardened form of mandala around the creation. No priests to interpret. No collective to distort.
Very well said. I will let it go and scatter as it will. Yes.
Tseka, this is absolutely great news about the book. I am so excited.
I need to ponder some about his thoughts which have shifted mine.
My antennae are way way up.
One thing we have observed is the indecisiveness of people in general. As if they are waiting for the "priesthood" to speak.
OMG are you ever right. I have always despaired at this. I remember one night in a place where a band was playing and one woman turned to to another and asked, "Aren't we having fun?"
I wish so much people would feel and think for themselves.
That's fascinating about the 1-3 encoding. Never thought of it that way. the structure waiting.
In small places like this we have found kindred. (KJ i am hoping you can join us more often) The keepers of the copperlined boxes set aside by Hel are remembering. Now it the time to open the boxes. Not for individual glory, for the whole. If we unroll the bundles and let the tones out into the universe how can they not be heard?
So so encouraging tseka. Just let them out. That's all that's required.
In small ways we are letting go of the solitude to knit the gifts together.
If I'm doing then it's really happening. I agree about the Boomers and also about the Saturn/Pluto revisit. Soon it will be over and Virgo will be time to put it to work. It's been amazing this return.
Oh this is wonderful!
Two computers and log-ins confusing, for some reason kj stays blue and sige black. But if either log-in persona is okay, I'll drop a post-it note on jm's jazzrap cafe 'well' in the mornings.
With any luck, work as a peon might appear next week, which will toss me right into 9-5 with a salad for lunch. Oh my! Camouflage!
Am in a way grateful if it happens, it will allow me to gracefully withdraw from the group of writers and, except for the prof and family and the people I edit with, via mail, will be back to writings in private, only to see the light of day when I'm ready. The privacy you both talk about.
I very much follow the conversations here. There is a spirit here. A safety in bouncing ideas that we all seem to have pulled from the ether. Or been given from the ether. Or something!
Our man leaving the 2008 field, while distressing at first, has been liberating. At last I was free to really leave the collective. As many times as I tried to leave, I felt the tug that he might run. It's a no brainer now. I even bowed out of an offer to help promote their upcoming book. Irish/Pict/Aries liberation!
I want to hear more about the book, the travels, the pictures, the photographs, as they appear.
Cool drinks in the mornings. :-) Still don't understand a thing about astrology.
And, if "we bless the ground by working it," (dream message after 9/11) then we take what we see, hear, love, from the copper-lined boxes, create- or co-create- our mandalas, concentric circles, circle of Hel, internal deities made manifest (the moments alive), then scattered, to bless the earth???
Could this work?
I am so fascinated by this fourth way. Maybe because the article drew pictures I could understand. This is why some of us have rejected the priests. This is why I have felt so lost. Of course. Letting go of the strings of the matrix, whether that matrix is "left" or "right," invite rejection, it is part of the letting go, of course, of course!
Now it makes sense. Now I see the pattern. Now I understand there are no more patterns to look for.
But look/listen for JM's songs, look for words from Tseska, look for r's photograhs, yes. That really is the gift, the path, the way, the joy, the blessing. Moments, that's all.
What a relief!
moments of magic, then back to silence. the moments must live in the copperlined boxes, eh? @:-)
"Sige - Silence. Primal Creatress of Gnostics, who said Silence was the Mother of the Great Goddess Herself. Out of Her was born the first Word, the Logos of Creation."
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