Thursday, December 25, 2008

Perplexed and Addled

Am I a musician or what? A poet? I can sort of sing and my rhythm is good. I tickle keys occasionally. But where is the source of song? Why sing?


Blogger Tseka said...

Same question sits in me. But the answer for us both seems clear.

My favorite Sami poet says it best:
I fly away
come back and tell
the people

and their lives make
the visions true

but they asked for it themselves

we are only the listening vessels for what humanity needs to hear, see. Our NN 1st i guess makes us the lead reindeer.

Did you know that the trekway that the reindeer follow is that imaginary Ly (lei) line? Straight paths across the landscape. The names of reindeer are variations on the word ellen. Ellen was the name for venus. New stuff i dug up when sick this summer. There are many references to the ellen or elin or elun etc roads old reindeer paths or "soul" roads. Venus was| is the soul of earth. That is what the old myths are about. Mars |Venus happened after the south conquered the north and the sovereign woman was diminished.

25/12/08 7:37 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Thanks for opening the cafe (on a holiday even).

Being sick last summer gave me time that i rarely take. I am most often in physical motion, just sitting down at the start and end of a day.

I found my Native American roots. They turned out not to be Crow. The maternal root lies very close to your birth home.

I followed my Aunt's genealogy as far as it went but the leads that she had of crow did not mesh with the stories i recalled and something about the Algonquins always called me tho it seemed extremely unlikely. Then, in what A calls chaotic search - just following whispers, i stumbled on my grandmother's name and all the dates and everything in a Brothertown roll. There are old photos and the family resemblance to my mohter and A is remarkable.

Brothertown was an amalgamation of Algonquin tribes which had only a few survivors who banded together and headed west. Montauk. Then Oneida. Wisconsin. Montana

I also uncovered some crazy pieces in my fathers line. Sir Thomas Mallory who wrote L'mort d'arthur was my (15th? gg)ancestor. Hulda Mallory was my father's grandmother. She had the family bible with all the stuff back to about 1000. Toted it across the Atlantic, Canada and the US.

Following these lines and more makes me think we are simply pieces of repeating rhythms and patterns.

They all left us clues and plenty of memories to interpret, as you so rightly say, the micro/macrocosm.

I think our role is one of pattern-wearver. You with sound, rhythm, words. Me with images on surfaces.

Maybe how people need to receive is just as much in a process of change as we are in that wait a minute moment of how to tell?

25/12/08 8:15 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg in heaven. I love that poem. It says it all so simply. I'm taking it with me from now on. Everywhere. "They asked for it themselves." Oh, oh oh.

And this ...

we are only the listening vessels for what humanity needs to hear, see. Our NN 1st i guess makes us the lead reindeer.

Omg. There is so much to cover. Be back very very shortly. The reindeer. Ellen. Oh...

What joy.

25/12/08 2:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I always chose the deer as my animal when asked what we identify with. But then I second-guessed it because they are so timid. So I thought. But when you think about it, I don't think they really are. They make a lot of contact with us.

Their delicate elegance and light light presence are magic. They vanish beautifully too.

As Mars in Libras we have both. Sovereign woman/man.

25/12/08 2:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I had a large experience last week. A tall, elegant, beautifully sculpted German woman I know looks exactly like a Capricorn. I never asked. I met her last week and asked her. Capricorn. For some reason that moment was a unification with it all. She's exceptionally wise.

I think we all follow spiritual lines in some way. Our own. They get mixed up with other routes but there does seem to be a guiding mechanism in the universe that will not fail. Whether we can chose more spiritual routes or not, I can't say.

I think you are right about the NN1 leading. We probably find the routes for others to get together on momentarily.

People used to advise me to look back at the pack occoasionally while on my way in the wilderness.

25/12/08 3:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Really? My birth home?
Sick with what?

I resonate with the Algonquins. Growing up there you could feel their presence when we studied them in school.

I completely agree about the patterns. I see it as threads that keep weaving the tapestry of human history and we pick up certain ones to continue. Musical talent is all through my father's family so it must go back. Visual is in my mother's.

Maybe how people need to receive is just as much in a process of change as we are in that wait a minute moment of how to tell?

Very very very good thought.

I have a lot to say on this in a minute. The break I'm taking has given me the synapse space I was so desiring and a chance to observe.

25/12/08 3:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The Sami say we were born from the White Reindeer's heart.

Born from Ellun into Illiun

from radiance into joy.

The NW coast indians say the elk and reindeer are spirit bridges., their hooves firmly grounded to earth and their antlers piercing the spirit world.

25/12/08 3:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

sick - lungs, old stuff, genetic. I have to guard them carefully. Took about 3 months. ick.

RC the photographer was ill and i cared for him he got pretty mean then abusive, that was the trigger or last straw maybe, after being low in general. A crappy year overall.

But i DO NOT put up with abuse, door closed.

Probably part of the Pluto thing.

Am back now. It's done.

25/12/08 3:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Leos are awful. Male chauvinists, contemptuous of everyone, mean, mean, mean, abusive without second thought, I could go on forever. All they care is getting it out of their own systems, no matter what it is.

But yes. Pluto on your Sun and your ego. That's why a bad Leo in your life, so you could learn and go on your own way.

25/12/08 3:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Btw, as nice as his photos are I thought they lacked a human something. An emptiness. Maybe an emotional paralysis of some kind.

25/12/08 3:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Maybe an emotional paralysis of some kind.

true, always thought so until the children of the Tibetan plateau. I guess they can charm any of us with the purity of their smiles.

25/12/08 3:30 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

BTW he never got very far inside my sanctuary. He never had the keys. (for the copper-lined boxes)

25/12/08 3:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The world is far too full of gifts to waste on those which are not.

25/12/08 3:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well it's always interesting since I think we follow those lines you mentioned and attract these characters for our life lessons.

The Sun is our creative output and it's interesting that you had a dip in that area while this relationship unfolded and Pluto crossed. Something about the line you were on needed rerouting. So maybe the new path emerges after the good-byes are complete, the breathing is back in rhythm, and the latest grief becomes a natural part of everyday.

And eventually you diminish the caregiving role to some extent so you can explore your talent to the depths and heights. There might be more payoff there. Another snapshot from the picture maker.

25/12/08 3:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Uplifting. And yet the wings point down with such perceived weight. It's hard to fly. Great force.

I think we're ready.

25/12/08 3:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You're right about gifts. It seems I've spent most of my life relating to things I ultimately don't want. A process of elimination. But now my time is running short, so I must choose what I do want.

25/12/08 3:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

No grief on that account in fact the whole year has been one of detachment and as others said on RU a sense of a new self emerging, no pushing for it, just letting it unfold. But also rather clear about what does not belong. If that makes sense.

So what was this foray into music that you took. I feel as if i am just catching up. I read back a few posts on RU will i find it if i go further?

25/12/08 3:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Exactly so.

But is what we want now the same? Sure seems like things are changing.

25/12/08 3:59 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Would you recreate the simple life you knew in India if you could?

I have been thinking about this. There is a yearning not for time or place so much as the comfortableness of certain moments in my life which are missing now. I have been tasting these memories to see what was the ingredients of that flavour. The spice. And if it would still be agreeable.

25/12/08 4:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Several things.

In the beginning I wanted to be famous and I approached my work with a need that did propel me to develop, but there was a desperation in it as if my existence depended on this success. Success eluded me completely so eventually I began to unwind and back down finally ending up in this desert.

Now I'm feeling like releasing the grip I always had and relaxing about the outcome. I still have the desire to be successful, but I don't care enough to make myself miserable getting it. So I've concluded that if I relax the grip, I might play better and the success will come in the right way. With Saturn-Pluto in the 5th this is a miraculous achievement.

So I applied for some gigs and they didn't come. But in the meantime I did some spontaneous gigs at an art gallery and it was as close to perfect as I get. The loved it.

The ability is natural and always there for me when I need it. That was a reminder. So I can now relax and do it when and where I want to without the pressure that kills it.

When and where is the question, but that will work itself out.

I don't need music for myself anymore. It's now part of a group ritual. But what you said was exactly what I needed to hear. They'll ask for it and it's always changing. I can take it or leave it now. I'm myself without any of these little things.

The tricky aspect is parting ways with the political nonsense as it's been and that might take a bit of adjustment. It's just a gossip column and I never was much of a gossip.

I just saw the India question. Coming up.

This is good.

25/12/08 4:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

No. I wouldn't create the life in India. Although I like to live very simply and now I'm saddled with things, I'm not accumulating any more, so it's simple enough right now. It's more simple in some psychological ways than India was. I was still looking for a man then. Now I'm not. Really not at this moment. And not looking for a spiritual system. A lot of things I'm not looking for.

There is a yearning not for time or place so much as the comfortableness of certain moments in my life which are missing now. I have been tasting these memories to see what was the ingredients of that flavour. The spice. And if it would still be agreeable.

Probably not. Once they become memories they change like the fluid things they are and they enrich the present in that form. Trying to make them manifest would be a disappointment. In fact, I think all material life is a disappointment with an imagination like mine, so I'm beginning to adjust to that reality and let the fantasies remain where they are. They come in just enough.

Of course, I'm an Aries and I burn all my bridges never feeling the impulse to go back. The same spices stay in our palette I think all the way through. We forget to remember the present.

It never works, anyway. Just in very brief encounters with completeness and fulfillment. Life is longing.

25/12/08 4:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I would like to desire as little as possible. But that's the Scorp SN which doesn't like the state of desire.

As I look around me I see almost everyone jumping the gun trying to prove themselves to others and I see that in myself to my distaste. I don't mind proving how great I am, but I'd like to do it in rhythm with breathing space and without too much fear and speed. So I'm trying to learn how to travel within the crowd and not get lured by that insecurity. Of course, that will happen when I drop the insecurity, myself, not finding it useful anymore. The group panic to validate the self is amazing. It doesn't work for longer than about a minute and a half at most.

25/12/08 4:38 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

a minute and a half- you are advanced!

I am at the endpoint of my savings and know that i will have to make some large changes just for maintaining day to day living. Until this house i have never really owned anything so it has always felt rather temporary.

Setting course, i am looking at what qualities appeal, asking what draws me. Remembering makes them stand out. Most of my life has been making do. Making purses out of sow's ears. Making things better for others, giving up to others in the mundane day to day. It was always the creative, inner self that was free, free. She never cared too much for things or where to live.

25/12/08 4:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Looking back i never really believed that i would be famous nor even good enough to make a living as an artist. It took me 20 or more years to call myself that. Yet, enough people liked what i did that i had support to live. Eventually I grew used to that. It seemed a fair exchange. Now it has ended. Almost at the same moment i finally decided i was good at what i do. Might be a lesson there eh?

25/12/08 4:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Me too! Exactly. The savings and the house. If your creative body doesn't care then you might as well stay where you are.

I also have to make changes and that means simply making more money. I could sell the house and live on that, but I think I set up this situation to force me into the workplace. I have the quiet solitude I always wanted and I don't want to sacrifice that so whatever it costs, I'll do what I have to.

If the place you have is what you want, then stay. If not, go. Aquarius NN1 gets to have complte freedom of choice. Probably the hardest route.

25/12/08 5:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That was HA HA on the minute and a half!

25/12/08 5:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh yes. THE lesson. You needed the break to validate yourself. Now that's done.

Your work shimmers with life and yet it's the land with no figures. Not an easy thing to accomplish. Now that you're impressed I think you're ready, since your work is highly salable. So is mine and I was reminded of that in the recent outings.

Here's one thing. Enery. Strength. I didn't have it, but as Pluto energizes my Mars, it's coming. It will be here. Same with you and Uranus on your joop square Pluto. You can capitalize like mad.

There is no excuse for both of us not making money now and I won't entertain that anymore. We need it. That's that.

25/12/08 5:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

If I did what my mind wanted it would be some wild avant-garde type of thing and I often look with longing on those artists who got by with it all their lives. I think they were always supported by others. I don't have that and won't now so I have to sell what I have that can be sold and start saving again for freedom later on and artistic experimentation. Facts of life.

25/12/08 5:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Good pep talk.

Uranus on my Joop might be a tad too far away to count on. Meanwhile, with gas at a more affordable price i figure i need to get out and make some new connections. Spring won't come soon enough.

I actually have several projects that are partway to completion. My enthusiasm had slipped a bit but after I got home last week from the last ordeal with M it really felt like i was returning to my own life.

Everyone i know feels bogged down. Time to bend that energy upwards.

25/12/08 5:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The gas situation is a great help. Just in time. And I think after the holidays it will start to gel.

A lot of them will stay bogged down. Maybe it's a matter of taking flight from them a little. Jupiter in Aquarius might bring something new. Maybe some relief from the emotional weight. Water and earth are so heavy. Your paintings make them seem lighter.

25/12/08 5:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Did anyone tape those events at the Gallery? They sound so spontaneous and wonderful. The setting is right too.

25/12/08 5:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

No tape. It was exactly where I left off. Me doing what I always do. It was good, but not all that great. Good enough.

I did what I needed to do. Get loose with a couple of drinks, warm up for a set, then play naturally with a little extra push. It's really not much. Just a thread in the group ritual, but I did get through to some tough nuts who were resisting me until I got it right. Holding back too much is what I have to stop. The people guide me.

25/12/08 6:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The interesting thing is that there's one song out of hundreds I've written that always gets response. The most. Just one. I'm very curious as to why.

The title of it is Ice Cream Daddy and that never fails to capture them. If I wrote consistently like that it could be enjoyable.

25/12/08 6:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm unmoved by what's going on culturally out there and I'm bored with my own work but compared to the others, it's very good. Refreshing. So just that notch above is really enough rather than thinking I have to be great. I have other things to do.

25/12/08 6:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So my whole aim now is to stop trying too hard and just play the damn stuff, get paid, and get back into my love of clothes. That I miss a little.

The ultimate aim is to love the spotlight and enjoy it, letting my acting skills out. But that will come when I get in there. That would be a grand pleasure and all would be worth it. To feel at home in the spotlight. I'm cursed with shyness.

25/12/08 6:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have other things to do.

Yes, that is part of it. I too have other things i wish to pursue. We need some fairy godmothers.

25/12/08 6:15 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Curses begone.

25/12/08 6:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Old loves are cropping up more and more in my life, spinning and recently i began to make clay talisman they are pretty cool.

I have been making weekly bread for a year now and find great pleasure in simple domestic things.

My whole life i would have made a terrible "wife" and now all these cozy attributes are cropping up. And no interest. Sure is nice for me tho. Heh.

25/12/08 6:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Of course. Ruler of your life in Cancer. Hanging out at home is the best.

Relationships come when needed. They go just in the nick of time!

25/12/08 6:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've never been trapped in anything I do. I don't identify. I'm not a wife and mother, a marathon runner, a physician, or anything in particular. Just a raven-haired beauty. Or was until my salt and pepper stage starting really coming in.

In the end that gives me more freedom. Even if professional success comes as a musician I evenetually probably will leave that identity.

25/12/08 6:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have no idea what I'm doing here.

25/12/08 6:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Contributing to society? That's funny. Maybe I'll be a comedian. Maybe I'll be a tree and grow leaves.

25/12/08 6:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ah, treeness. A tree woman, very nice. Related to reindeer, rooted in the earth with branches piercing the spirit world. But what is below is equal to above. Good choice.
from which come Alder, Elder (both tree and wise oh and age too)
same root as ellen etc. soft radiance. The spark that enlightens.

25/12/08 6:53 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

we could be trees and form our own copse.

25/12/08 6:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The copse are coming!!!!!

I better get a job!

25/12/08 6:57 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...


25/12/08 7:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

LOL!!!! I'm getting there. So glad you came around. No one like you my trusty Wise 1!

25/12/08 7:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What a relief.

25/12/08 7:08 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It's good to sit in your presence again. I'm going to make some Glögg, that hot spicy drink is a tradition for us at solstice. I would offer a mug (no akvavit or wine tho) it'd warm up your toes.

25/12/08 7:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

You know it is getting to be safer to be a tree. Just read somewhere that more than 30 newspapers are for sale in the US and no takers.

Think about it - journalists are having the same experience we started this line of thought with; how the people receive is in just as much flux as how we offer our talent.

25/12/08 7:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Glogg! Sounds good. Language is amazing.

One of those newspapers is mine!

You are right. The flux is the best part. The flux will come get me if it wants me. I've gotten almost immune to rejection because there are too many variables so it means nothing in particular. I think I'm almost in the free place I want to be and then the connection/reception will follow. The longer I wait, the more myself I become. I'm glad I haven't been molded by the people yet.

My talent can't be tampered with. It remains intact. It's mine to keep. Naturally protected. I'm certainly glad it's the bank I've been using.

Such a good thought, the changing public. I still think originality will become a desired product. It goes in circles.

25/12/08 7:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think we're seeing the signs of it now with Raging U. At first it was a novelty and attracted attention, then they scampered to the old standards. Now the attention is there a little but it seems different. They seem to be sensing the value in its originality, daring to take baby steps away from familiarity. I think it's developing.

25/12/08 7:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I haven't seen any blog like it. The look. The content.

I think you are really right. Just keep it up and wait for the flux to flux.

25/12/08 7:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You know. The more I think about it ...

I'm not really one for this inclusive unity thing. It's phony. Life is too diverse. We're like the animals and I think we go for what we need to survive. So this vast cultural mess is not much different from nature. the animals pick and choose very specifically. We probably do too. That's one of the problems with massive fame, I think. It kills individuality in the palette.

25/12/08 7:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have always loved your blogs.

It is you. The uranian with lots of jupiterian optimism You have enormous talent. You touch deeply. Not everyone is ready but they sense the unique and are attracted.

I have not been around the blogs much for several months. It will be nice to settle in again.

25/12/08 8:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

i think often of Juno. Her pluto seemed to hit her pretty hard. I remember how she dropped out of the blog world then. There must be some need to isolate to listen to Pluto. That going underground i guess.

When Pluto went over A's and my beloved's asc. They both isolated too. My beloved went fishing in Alaska for months. Talked to next to no one. A became silent. Their asc are 15 & 19 Sag. Both have stayed much quieter than before as if still processing. It may be only coincidence but since Pluto entered Cap my beloved has written more than in the last few years. With more clarity too. Pluto just moved off square A's sun in Pisces so we'll see.

25/12/08 8:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm not really one for this inclusive unity thing. It's phony. Life is too diverse.

Abso-damn-lutely (am i channeling Myrtle Rae?)
I wanted to comment last night about your thoughts on Europe becoming communistic. I'm hating what i see happening in Europe. I am desperately hoping we are not so stupid here.


25/12/08 8:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You've always done that and I admire it. The way you gracefully depart like a spirit then come back just at the right time. It's truly lovely and expresses the sacredness of the membrane that separates us and how easily we can pass through.

I'm glad you passed through this holiday. You know that's kind of a tradition with us. We like to be alone but together at these times and we usually meet for our own unique celebration.

Good things in life.

25/12/08 8:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA!!! I just wrote my next post a little while ago. Myrtle Rae!!!!

I love juno. I think so with underground and Pluto. And yes, it takes a long time to process. So many layers and deep harmonics. My moon is recovering and feeling the effects now, while my mars is getting started. I feel good about these retreats you describe. Some people are kind and don't want to inflict the internal trials on others. Some want to absorb it as fully as possible.

The land of the dead is a treasured place to journey. Some recognize the space it deserves in the lives they're leaving.

25/12/08 8:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

mmmm very nice indeed. Must be some of that reindeer magic at work - faeries and elves fall under the same category. I'm sure you and i have some help outside time.

25/12/08 8:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Myrtle Rae is coming to RU? must go see.

25/12/08 8:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

About stupid here. Probably not as stupid, but stupid still. They're falling for this cheap new thing being offered but it's new and that's supposed to happen. Such a game. The suckers on the planet. Hucksters for leaders.

I've always known Europe has big problems. This country still needs to get independent of European royalty.

I don't have hope for anything much at the moment but after the pluto return we might see some results. I'm going to try to focus on society in general and my observations and stay out of the personality sorrow. The crack in white domination is good though.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on Europe. I'd like the crowd to get it too. Let's think of something. You have unique and advanced insight.

25/12/08 8:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

BTW how is your family? Your sister and your beloved Taurean aunt?

25/12/08 8:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Myrtle post isn't up yet. This thing of going forward and returning is really on my mind. I love the concept of no forward progress. The change hype. I was listening to Krishnamurti the other day say there is no psychological evolution and it caught my attention.

It's true that the closer we get to the present the closer we get. Probably evolution takes care of itself like the flux.

25/12/08 8:29 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This country still needs to get independent of European royalty.
That has been the ongoing battle.
Our founding fathers has a pretty good plan and lots of checks and balances.

I cannot for the life of me understand why royalty sells. Jeez who wants to be a princess. Oh.

Finding old Mallory was a relie. I did some thinking about those legends. Sir Thomas was a real rebel he wrote the manuscript in prison. He probably was not a real Knight. Probably poking the powers.
With that in mind and remembering Kadimiros find about the Sword in the Stone the mind began to churn. Lots of things sorta came together for me about how cleverly this debt slavery has been sold.

I'm still working on the details.
see being sick had some benefits.

25/12/08 8:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My sister is well. My aunt had a stroke but she seems to be doing fine. I do feel guilty that I don't communicate and a little bit of money would get me on the phone a bit. And your parents?

So I got into the unity game to get this election accomplished and the racial breakthrough, but it's such a relief to realize that nothing's changed. It's interesting how we decide to divide our life force. There were some very interesting connections to M in this election and I learned quite a bit about myself. So glad it's over.

25/12/08 8:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, the debt slavery, but that has to do with human fundamentals and not these players. Freedom and bondage are quite big issues with humanity. We're sold into slavery in a way at birth when we get trapped in our bodies. Then we try to get free only to re-create the bondage elsewhere. My theory is that we get into bondage to know the exhilaration of freedom. Getting free is the thrill.

The Pluto return should be another increment in separation from royalty.

25/12/08 8:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Life is a wiggle. Trying to get extricated.

25/12/08 8:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I was listening to Krishnamurti the other day say there is no psychological evolution
I'd have to hear that in context i guess. It seems to me that the last 2500 years has been completely about psychological evolution- the mind, will, and faith as exemplafied by all the religious movements.

Evolution of man happens in the mundane, in personality - hmmm must think about this more

25/12/08 8:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Royalty and the people we elevate are just symbols of the powers within that we battle. It's ridiculous. We think change there will make a difference. The brave Knights and all are our attempts to fight the basic feeling of oppression with black space and infinity out there.

25/12/08 8:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

He agreed with physical evolution but maybe it's the fact that in one life we aren't going to experience the psychological.

Religious movements and evolution? Look at this inauguration.

I'm beginning to think some are evolved, some aren't and it's always been that way. I do believe overall slow progression is unfolding, though.

25/12/08 8:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Debt slavery - i was thinking of Imperial cult and the enforcers -the Knights of the round table -sold to us as shining Knight of honor. Betrayers of the worst kind sold out Britain as sovereign nation. It's the same old story and for the most part the same old players.

The US experiment has always been at risk.

Actually same with the Scandinavians. The whole idea of needing a rulers was laughable to them. They self governed.

25/12/08 8:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's hard to say about evolution. Joe turned me on to the book, "Botany of Desire," which lays out a beautiful case for the plants being as evolved as we are. So it could mean that we are fully evolved for every time. And that change is merely an adaptation to circumstance, not particularly forward evolution.

25/12/08 8:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Then why have they capitulated now?

25/12/08 8:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The US experiment will remain at risk but Pluto in Capricorn is the ability to destroy and re-create governments at will. How this plays out now will be very interesting.

25/12/08 8:56 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ah Krishnamurti did not think we as individuals could evolve psychologically in our lifetime. Maybe..

I am not a big fan of psychology. I reject the idea of normal. I tend to believe that some of us are wired for certain paths and others for other paths and all are valuable.

Humanity overall disappoints, why i stay reclusive. heh.

25/12/08 8:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

If there is more power consolidated in Europe and authoritarian rulership increasing I think it's a prelude to subsequential freedom in the natural cycles. In the meantime there are those in the vanguard preparing for the moment.

Uranus and Pluto indicate revolution in some form or another.

25/12/08 8:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Humanity disappoints??? LOL! ROFL!!!

Hey!! I'm humanity! You can come out of seclusion occasionally!!

25/12/08 9:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, a lot of abuse has been sheltered under the umbrella of psychology. How can anyone understand another's psyche? That's why I don't read charts.

25/12/08 9:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Then why have they capitulated now?
who? Scandinavians?

Happened a long time ago. When the Romans came to Scandinavia there was a mass exodus to Iceland.

They lived in self rule there for several hundred years then another mini iceage hit. It's pretty marginal living in the North. No seeds for grain. Denmark made them a deal. Enter the church who took land then one thing led to the next and they were under the rule of Denmark and the church with taxes and tithes. No place left to go until migrations to US and Canada.

Tho there are a ton of runestones in North America that suggest a much earlier (even than Vinland) visit from the Norsk.

25/12/08 9:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes I know that book and tend to agree.

When bobcats come to visit and search for me in my room their eyes change when they find me. Face muscles move and i know they are speaking it is only me who does not know the language. Often i think it is we humans who are the laggards i evolution on this planet. Look at how much we need to stay alive.

25/12/08 9:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We always have to make deals to survive. What was it in the people that led them into the trap?

25/12/08 9:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't conclude that there is anything more wrong with us than the plants and animals at this time, really. I do, however, think that we're in an awkward stage becoming bipedal and our bodies still have a lot of adjustment to do.

Here's one of my theories...

When we became bipedal the male genitals were frontally exposed and I think this created new vulnerability, thus the warring development, excessive fear, and so on. Basic survival terror.

25/12/08 9:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The question is though, why has the earth created us with this need? What exactly are we doing here?

25/12/08 9:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is so funny. The world is pooping out with all their holiday jolliness over and here we are energized. We are rebels, most assuredly.

25/12/08 9:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The US experiment will remain at risk but Pluto in Capricorn is the ability to destroy and re-create governments at will. How this plays out now will be very interesting.

Read somewhere that we are currently only 2 states short of required number to call a constitutional congress. This would be a quick way to end the gov as we know it. I just googled around a bit and find no reliable references. Maybe i will look again later.

25/12/08 9:24 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

We always have to make deals to survive. What was it in the people that led them into the trap?
In Sweden it was probably eating pinebark flour bread and having men frozen to death will tending fires to keep crops from freezing. Eating grass....desperation.

25/12/08 9:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I want it ended. It disgusts me. But it's the symbol of our society and awaken this overloaded subservient country? Wouldn't that be incredible? A Const. Congress. God, what a thought.

Something's going to happen. It can't continue.

25/12/08 9:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh how I wish. We usually wait until extreme hardship, weakened and beaten. How in the hell can you construct a government in that shape? Just the thought of calmly and intelligently overthrowing the government while strong and healthy will give me sweet dreams.

25/12/08 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Desperation will do it.

25/12/08 9:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In terms of Sweden.

25/12/08 9:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sometimes i think a question comes and we simply do not have the clarity even if we have all the information.

My thoughts about the myths are that they tell one story, in chapters, about the transit of Venus and Earth. Two planets who keep perfect time together. Humans do seem to progress or maybe we should say precess -maybe there is no progress or evolution. I do believe in the mirror of micro/macro.

The sword in the stone is a good example of changes that were occurring about the time the Romans came followed by the church.

The kings represented the masculine fertility and were "married" to earth. Their counterpart was venus and the sovereign fertile woman.

Arthur the last of that timecycle married to earth on one side but also married to Gwenivere the "white shadow" who was said to be a noble daughter of Rome. Then there was Elaine (our reindeer sister) the living symbol of Venus and the sovereign woman married to Lancelot. She gave him part of her sexual essence to protect him. His job was to in turn protect her. But instead he betrayed both Arthur his longtime friend and Elaine by joining with Gwenivere.

The question of the time was who do you serve the sword in the stone or the sword of the stone. The sword in the stone represented the knowledge to make what one needed for protection, survival. As soon as one took the sword from the stone and used it for the self against others and to take from others the rules changed.

25/12/08 9:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

And of course the answer was always obvious the sword in the stone can never be broken but the sword from the stone can.

25/12/08 9:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Just the thought of calmly and intelligently overthrowing the government while strong and healthy will give me sweet dreams.

Shudder, i think of who sits in congress and DO NOT want them tinkering with or designing our new constitution. Is there even a whole brain among them?

25/12/08 9:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very good point about the absence of clarity. Really well said.

I'm absolutely sure of the micro-macro. That's one of the best ways to read the map.

Then why was the temptation there? There is, in the mental realm, the thought that in some times and places using the sword against others might have been the way to survive at the moment.

Why is there that dichotomy bewteen preservation and protection and conquest and plundering? I don't think it's male and female. Something else. Maybe both are part of survival. No matter how much the sword is pulled from the stome there are those who keep it intact. What determines that?

The idea of serving anything with too much devotion bothers me, be it man, sword, or planet.

25/12/08 10:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

NO!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!

Shudder, i think of who sits in congress and DO NOT want them tinkering with or designing our new constitution. Is there even a whole brain among them?


25/12/08 10:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka. I really think there's something wrong with them and this has been bothering me for a long time. Like damaged chromosomes being engineered in the lab, allowed to survive. Like in virto and it doesn't come out right. Omg. I can't stand it!

25/12/08 10:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I also think that some other force is leading but I don't know exactly what they're doing there. Besides stealing money. With a little murder as a side dish. It's going to be something how they dupe the public into thinking they're fixing our economic problems whilst continuing their fun and games.

25/12/08 10:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The idea of serving anything with too much devotion bothers me, be it man, sword, or planet.

And that's why we love Winston soooo much!
What's he up to these days?

25/12/08 10:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I know JM, it's hard to keep our eyes open sometimes. i dream (real dreams) of being on an island in a small house with a beautiful garden and the world has completely changed.

A when he was about 10 or so began to call it the United Corporate States of America. We used to joke about how once elected on had a brain transplant.

It really does not seem like such a joke anymore.

You can join me on the island if we both survive. i think there is a pub at the other would be a sensation.

25/12/08 10:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Winston was just in. He's a few posts down at RU. He's wonderful and still wants to take you up!

So this is how I see it. the "stimulus" package is the coverup for money being siphoned into big business with a few jobs thrown in.

We're sitting pretty. We can survive anything.

25/12/08 10:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It really does not seem like such a joke anymore.

No it doesn't. This is what's bothering me the most. The people aren't getting it. They still think it's a daily gossip fun fest waiting to see bad things happen to others. I've always detested this in human nature. And the way the Left is swallowing this, after all the hullaballoo, is amazing. But predictable. People are lazy wanting to be parented.

The pub would be fabulous.

But I will admit to feeling a stirring in me about fighting the system. I'll see after the Uranus in Aries start. The island will be there as they always are. Calm and laid back waiting for the wise ones to enter paradise. Welcoming.

25/12/08 10:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'll go look further down, thanks.

I'm always ready for a whirl with

The "stimulus" ha...reminds me of the Soros driven economic melt down a decade ago or was it longer than that in the UK.

Honestly all of this says to me, see, money is just an illusion. When someone leverages my one dollar to 133. That is 132 non-existent dollars. It was all a ponzi scheme. Amway on steroids.

We will survive. I'm actually counting on American ingenuity. Adversity is the mother of invention and all that. Just hope our compatriots can get past the fear. Ironic in a way. Our ancestors knew death and starvation, real motivators and we are in a tizzy over imaginary numbers. And the crazy thing is that they may have as much destructive power as natural forces.

25/12/08 10:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I am really insulted by the "stimulus."

I think money is an illusion. I believe they were so hooked on credit they let cash reserves dry up and now no one knows what anything is worth.

Definitely Amway. But if these suckers want to keep following in this direction, so be it. But yes, we'll pull out of it.

we are in a tizzy over imaginary numbers. And the crazy thing is that they may have as much destructive power as natural forces.

Very good statement. Destructive powers are everywhere. Right with those creative ones. We need them to keep going, which seems to be the aim.

25/12/08 10:31 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have changed in my politics much to my surprise. I offered support to some local folk to get elected to water and college boards. Three people got together and ran as a unit on the water board they had figured out their complementary strengths and formulated a plan- quite good. The college board was the interesting one for me. Both candidates were equally good. I chose the older republican (shocked myself completely) because the younger guy would always be weighing the needs of the community against his forward motion on a political path. Owen had worked 30 years ago to get this college started. This is his endpoint at 78. His interest is only in this community.

I am much more about practical solutions than ideology. I'm a roll up your sleeves kinda gal.
Time for all those committees ended in the 60's. Let's get on with it.

25/12/08 10:39 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

"insulted," you are so polite, i'm frikkin' outraged.

And also flummoxed by friends who are people of good heart and will, who just believe it'll all be fine...

and so here we are back to the top,"Perplexed and addled"

25/12/08 10:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is great news. It's the real solution. If we can build strength in our communities the toppling will come automatically. The meetings around town and all the little votes are coming from real people with genuine concerns about their environment. And it works. I think it's going to happen more and more that people will see some of the moderate Republicans as preferable in some cases. It's a different world away from DC.

His interest is only in this community.

What sweet words.

25/12/08 10:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah. Perplexed and addled. I've changed so much so fast I can't keep up with it. We need the anger and I agree, the good people will always thrive.

I don't know. Anything could happen but I need the energy of outrage now and I intend to keep it up. My anger over the inauguration will last a long time.

25/12/08 10:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It's the revolution i'm looking for.

25/12/08 10:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think that's in store. I worry about the people and their fear, but if they could just get active they could adjust. I can't see how the upcoming transits in these deteriorated times won't bring some pretty real struggle but the more we stand up and get busy now, stopping this insane obedience, the more we could create the change relatively peacefully. I think there are agents of the thing everywhere awaiting orders, even in DC.

25/12/08 11:02 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well my sweetheart, your SB still gets up before dawn and sees the stars off. Time for me to close my peepers.

See ya later.

25/12/08 11:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OK sweet 1! This was wonderful. A great holiday for me.

I'll keep the cafe going and you can stop by for glogg(?) whenever you feel like it.

Sweet dreams of personal revolutions peaceful as they come.

25/12/08 11:10 PM  

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