Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Frightful Night in the Suburbs

Recently I discovered a lively recreation center in Suburbia where I enjoy my running and swimming. In the water park, the loud and hysterical screams of the children can be heard constantly. Now I know why.

The other night, two adventurous girlfriends encouraged me to try the water slide. I did, and it scared the bijeeziss out of me. It was fast. Really fast. My Aries and Sagittarius might have loved it had not my Cancer felt that she was clinging to her sanity all the way down. The twists, turns, and dips were maddening.

I hit the lazy river with a force that sent me into a coughing fit and reminded me of drowning, since the current of the river added quite dramatically to my unbalanced condition and discombobulation. I righted myself and gave thanks that I got through the tube relatively unharmed.

The two ladies suggested sitting up for an easier more enjoyable ride. I'm not sure this little elder will try that again. Then again I might. I've gotta live. It's maybe time to live it up.

I feel like I crashed through a border. Possibly it's a harbinger of things to come, with Uranus now in my 12th house, finishing up a revolution and planning a trip across my ascendant in Aries. An extraordinary new start, probably far from the norm.


Blogger kadimiros said...

"I hit the lazy river with a force that sent me into a coughing fit and reminded me of drowning, since the current of the river added quite dramatically to my unbalanced condition and discombobulation."

Good morning! What a delightful article to wake up to.

In some way, you are the river and the force, too, and your underlying sense of identification with natural forces informs you, so that you have the immanent and the transcendent together in a peak experience. The body lets you experience it all from a particular moving perspective.

"I feel like I crashed through a border."

I think you did. :-) Expand your range.

"It's possibly a harbinger of things to come, with Uranus now in my 12th house, finishing up a revolution and heralding its trip across my ascendant in Aries. An extraordinary new start, probably far from the norm."

I was just contemplating the uses of some oversized paintbrushes in a store in a dream this morning. They were in fact, gigantic as brushes go, and looked somewhat like exotic shrubs sprouting up in the window display.

I suppose that implies to not let the scope of customary and ordinary tools hold our vision back as we prepare for the next big thing.

Ah, the smell of morning coffee at the Jazzrap. Have some with us. Breathe in the morning. And corn muffin, my favorite. Mmm. Wonderful.

29/7/15 3:48 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I love love love corn muffins. Corn anything, really, but the muffins take the cake.
Oh I'll delete creamed corn.

And top of the morning to you, Kadimiros.

"In some way, you are the river and the force, too, and your underlying sense of identification with natural forces informs you."

What a great thought. Being somewhat out of control and at the mercy of those forces was liberating. The children are nervy.
At one point I tried to get control and I thought I hurt my back when I tensed up, but I didn't. My decision making power was temporarily on hold.:)
The shock of the speed was astonishing.

The oversize brushes, shrubs, and growth. What a way to expand.

29/7/15 8:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So here's what happened yesterday.

While running on the upstairs track I found a beautiful boy sitting on a ball in front of a window overlooking the pool. He was reading a book.
With every lap of the track he had shifted his position, but he kept reading for a long time despite the considerable commotion around him. A young introvert?
He did glance at me one time. Maybe he sensed that I noticed and acknowledged him, even through his self contained activity. I thoroughly enjoyed running with his company. Of course he was fortunate. He was far enough away from the Zhumba room.

29/7/15 8:19 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, I can barely imagine the canvas that would do those brushes justice.

"With every lap of the track he had shifted his position, but he kept reading for a long time despite the considerable commotion around him. A young introvert?"

Too bad that childhood is so fleeting, albeit humans have a particularly long childhood relative to their cousin species.

Well, perhaps he is the introspective type, and not one of the other kinds of introvert. Or he could be an ambivert, like most people. I just tried a couple of surveys, and they score me as an ambivert. Interestingly, the common attributions of introspective and thoughtful have nothing to do with the scientific model of introversion-extroversion, so there's some discussion going on among researchers about clarifying what it is that they've been talking about all these years, and perhaps not really penetrating. Uranian insights can only be helpful here.

And then there's even A Quiet Revolution; maybe it's the introverts' version of the astrologer's Uranian transit of Aries.

29/7/15 11:25 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Stray thoughts: Far away from Zumba. Sounds like an evocative book title. And for the Zumba music playlist, "Let's do Uranus in Aries" could be a (salacious) song title. ;-p

Well! I'll never fit in with the crowd that reads articles like "Is Zumba really okay for Christians?" (That writer's take was that it's bad, bad, bad and practically diabolical. Breaks up marriages and all that.)

29/7/15 11:58 AM  
Anonymous Joe said...

"Let's do Uranus in Aries" For a second I misread that as Uranus in Arrears. LOL

Interesting introversion test in that link, Kad. I took that test and I score equally between Social Introvert and Thinking Introvert. On that old Meyers-Briggs test, I am an INFJ and only 1% of the population falls into that category. I took the test 20 years ago, and again about 2 months ago. Still INFJ, but I am significantly more extraverted than I used to be, probably through becoming more comfortable in my own skin.

30/7/15 5:28 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Ha, ha! Maybe Uranus can never pay the rent on time. And I imagine there's a backwards-walking segment to the routine.

You've been growing into your own.

That's fascinating how personality changes. We actually each have many personalities, I believe. Like a wardrobe full of outfits. Hats. Shoes.

But it does sound like the Myers-Briggs test is accurate for you.

I recall taking the Myers-Briggs a couple of times. The results weren't always consistent for the last two letters of the four for me, which was a bit confusing.

But later I read that the test tends to try to put people in either one slot or another, in order to arrive at specific types, although one may actually be somewhere between strict categories. If one was 50.5% a Feeling type, it would probably type one as a F. But something that borderline could easily change.

I just took a couple more of the introversion quizzes. They disagreed a bit on whether I leaned more toward Restrained or Thinking. To be determined.

The left-brain/right-brain quizzes tend to plot me in the middle as well. Which is to say, I am probably not stuck in the middle, but fairly balanced (usually). Then again, I went on a shoe shopping spree earlier in the year. Never did that before. Maybe that means something!

30/7/15 9:32 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Jupiter in Leo has given me borderline diarrhea. I'd better stop expressing myself.
Or maybe it was the slide.

30/7/15 4:49 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

It wasn't the corn muffins!

30/7/15 6:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely not!

30/7/15 9:32 PM  

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