Sunday, May 06, 2007

Air and Water

And fire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so much water and steam and fog. The rains in this part of the country have been something.

8/5/07 3:32 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

..and metal of the earth.

A fool? one of my favorite images of the dao, i ching...the fool's path perhaps the very best one.

I am grateful for every word and thought and all the music you have left, for me it has been a treasure trove, a divine pleasure.
kisses dear troubadour.

8/5/07 5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm, have you disabled comments over at Raging U? Not permanently, I hope...

8/5/07 8:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Metal. Yes. Especially.

I've closed the chat room at Raging U, but I will continue to write and will leave Jazzrap open for some conversation for awhile. They've been particularly focused and fruitful on this site, and this is good.

If you want to know why, joe, there are 1000 reasons. Will tell if you ask(a few of them..:-)). I've been wanting to make this move for some time, and finally got the courage after a double shot of Seagram's V.O. last night at my favorite bar, following a great twist of fate in my life. The damned thing is addictive, so I'll see if cold turkey will be required or not..:-). A reduction is necessary at least. I especially love your comments.

8/5/07 10:12 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

And the metal is polished, highly reflective. Heat and pressure, the release of vapor. Interesting alchemy here. :-)

8/5/07 11:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh heavens! The best laid plans of mice and men.

Vapor is released in many ways, is it not? Pressure must be the commonality.
Dry ice?

8/5/07 11:31 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

What? ;-) I'll try to avoid aggravating blog addictions. My phone's been ringing a lot, more clients than before, so that seems like to keep me pretty busy.

And seems you've been reflecting more and more, like the insightful tea kettle, and doing well.

The pressure could be a metaphor.

I was reading today that when the mind is concentrated, absorbed in what's present, it naturally becomes aware of subtler realms. Outer forms become softened, permeable, destabilized, shifting.

Then the object of attention becomes a kind of holodynamic seed (or perhaps a bean) containing the object's future and all of the prior seeds which gave rise to it. Ordinary time and space limitations loosen their grip on the mind. Eventually, everything dissolves together in brilliant awareness; everything is fundamentally made of the same stuff. The object of attention could be anything, a person, someone else, oneself, the breath.

The luminous knowledge or "vision of sameness" vaporizes the roots of karmic patterns every time it is reached.

When people function on that level, they are incapable, in thought as well as deed, of hatred and violence.

Perhaps the challenges of earthly life cue people to look more closely. It's almost paradoxical. Solutions evolve, natural magic at work. Beans sprout.

9/5/07 2:29 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha. "Aggravating blog addictions". The little nuisances.

What you just described in near perfect accuracy was Mars in Pisces transiting my 12th house.

And seems you've been reflecting more and more, like the insightful tea kettle, and doing well.

I think you're right and I love the association with this kettle. Yes. Even maybe a little bit more serious?? ?

Outer forms become softened, permeable, destabilized, shifting.

Exactly. That's why retreat is associated with the 12th. The inner, the subtle realms, take precedence and the outer defense is compromised.

I think everyone experiences this awareness you talk about, but it has yet to become the dominant mode of survival, sans hate and violence. It's part of the bean though, waiting to germinate fully.
I surmise.

As you say, beans do sprout.

9/5/07 2:46 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I think you're right and I love the association with this kettle. Yes. Even maybe a little bit more serious???"

Well, I'll be playfully serious and seriously playful for a moment, and say: tea kettles withstand the heat in the kitchen just fine, to broaden the metaphor a bit. :-)

9/5/07 3:40 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Ahhh, cozy.

9/5/07 3:42 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I do like broad metaphors.

9/5/07 4:19 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"What you just described in near perfect accuracy was Mars in Pisces transiting my 12th house."

Remarkable. Perhaps a time to confront the self, instead of others. Maybe the others only appear as they do because of the self's doing, or undoing. The subtle realities appear more real, as the outer realities seem more illusory.

On the dominant survival mode, the outer defense and such can be let go, eventually, as higher perspectives, new ways of relating, appear in the course of the inner-directed journey. The relationships change, old foes or challenges transform. But people hesitate to give life a chance.

Jack looked foolish for bartering the cow away for beans, instead of for coins, and he was sent to bed without supper. But morning came, and Jack found that the beans were a better investment.

The Bean Connection. :-) Thank you so much for bringing us so many wonderful images.

9/5/07 10:06 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You are completely welcome. It has brought me much joy to bring these images to the roundtable. I knew how good the Bean was and the response exceeded my now more realistic expectations. So thank you, too. The outside nourishment is vital, as far as exchange goes, speaking of investments. The new part for me.

Remarkable. Perhaps a time to confront the self, instead of others.

You know, this is the really fascinating part. In my case I think confronting myself includes confronting others. Mastery of this. The Aries that cuts through pretense and needs an outside target. In Pisces this isn't necessary, but Aries has to go through the density of opposition. She's coming from Pisces, so she's already done the inner, and will end up there eventually again for another level later.
Very very interesting as defense is perfected, and you are right. It comes from within. I have to learn to tolerate people following truthlessness since it will continue. I seek the optimum antidotal application without flying into extreme rages..:-)

But people hesitate to give life a chance.

Boy howdy.

9/5/07 2:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Success, both phone and internet are back in working order. Water runs. I do love my creature comforts!

The silence did me well for the most part....
dealing with bickering fingerpointing service providers i could have skipped.

So is that tea water ready? I have some nice herbal blend that would go well with the banana muffins i made yesterday. We shall have to drop a note into the ethers for Juno.

9/5/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Success. Excellent.

Juno was round yesterday and I expect her back soon.

Keep your muffins warm Honey Bun!

9/5/07 9:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yesterday was interesting, so I checked the transits. Incredyobblelei.

Venus just went into Cancer and the Moon was in Aquarius. The collective nourishment thingy.

10/5/07 1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did I miss? @;-)

Don't know what house I'm currently in, but as taking the transits mostly in silence. Not even on the old transits much, as I've found my tolerence level is down to nothing. Zilch, zero. Just a glance into "the world" is all it takes for Aries to rise and no one listens to Aries anyway, she's out there too far ahead of the pack. I've let Aries have her head and honestly, have no idea what she's doing or even where she is.

I love coming here. I love the images and songs and reading the comments.

12/5/07 4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh JM, just read your "The Road Ahead" on Ragin'Uni. Loved it.

12/5/07 4:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JM, just a bit of lapis protects the throat (voice) chakra. Lapis is blue, too. ;-) And I agree, there are no talismans other than the ones we chose, and they only have power if I infuses them with power. Sometimes the simple gestures made, for myself, for protection, for honor, for memory, for reminder, are, well, just are. Somewhere in the bone marrow of my brain is the adage, "Make a gesture." (Carlos Castanada)

So, the gestures I make for myself are talismans. Acceptance from others is lovely, but ultimately has more strings attached than I care to gather. I mean, the matrix exists, I'm part of it because I need grain, I will hold up my part of the bargain-- but I have finally let go of that sense of responsibility to the collective.

The collective is an infuriating and/or hysterically funny mess of squabble. Comic, tragic fools in the center of our own life stories. I'd rather listen to you sing, or look at tseka's paintings, read poetry or play with the cat. (She likes hide and seek.)

Eventually, I will put my poems out into the ether again, but by them, I hope I am truly dropping them as a bird drops a twig, one neither more important than the other; interchangeable, part of the earth, either picked up and used or buried for another age.

Thank you again for this place.

12/5/07 5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps. JM, have I told you what I'm doing for a living, now? Not writing anymore, but taking classified ads. And it's so much fun!

The other day a woman called wanting to sell her truck. I asked her what she wanted to say and she answered, "Buy this effing truck!" I laughed and said, "Would you like to say it is in excellent condition?" She said, "How about saying, 'Buy this effing truck, it runs like sh*t!'" Then she gave me her husband's cell phone number. She said the truck was his, he could take the calls. We both laughed until we cried.

Another day this elegant, gorgeous, tall, slender Africian American woman came in. She had curly gray hair on her head and curly gray hair on her chin. The hair on her chin was longer than the hair on her head. She was beautiful.

And then people come in pissed because their carrier threw their paper in their gutter and they throw the wet paper on the counter at us like we did the deed. And then the old man came in and was laughing because his paper was on the roof and he was proud of himself because he climbed up there to get it, and just wanted us to know.

And our air-conditioning is broken. The computers we use are old dos machines. The radio station plays old country music.

This is my new collective. @;-)

12/5/07 5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tseka, thank you for speaking about trekways of the wind. It took awhile, but a copy was found.

when feet become wet
in the first spring rain
when you wade in slush
Greetings from the summer camps
from the celebration of life"

if anyone needs me, I'll be the short gray-haired woman (the one with the ankle tattoo), at the town newspaper office. look for a bit of lapis around the ears, or ink under the fingernails.

shalom, namaste, peace

12/5/07 12:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Saturday at Jazzrap! Be right back.

12/5/07 7:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Just a glance into "the world" is all it takes for Aries to rise and no one listens to Aries anyway, she's out there too far ahead of the pack.

You got it. Doesn't take much study, really.

Acceptance from others is lovely, but ultimately has more strings attached than I care to gather

No kidding.

Sige, do bring your poems when you feel like it. That's what I created Jazzrap for. A distinctive artistic outlet. Free form self expression. With people I've found and, oddly enough, respect and like. And maybe feel slightly underappreciated and/or misunderstood out there.
The collective has its plusses and minuses, but for me, there is a lot of distraction and disjointed attemps at cohesion. I don't care for the group following thing and the obedience factor. And there is a lot of vulgarity which assualts my senses. Jazzrap is cool and elegant. Much needed for my easily frazzled nerves.

if anyone needs me, I'll be the short gray-haired woman (the one with the ankle tattoo)


12/5/07 7:34 PM  

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