Thursday, January 01, 2009

On the River

Human consciousness has many levels. It's been compared to the structure of a Mayan pyramid. The medulla, the location of our self image, the core consciousness which tells us about our relationship to the external world, and the cerebral cortex which fills our consciousness with memories.
It's not that one of these levels has been destroyed in Maria's brain. The interplay between these levels has altered and it could be that the center for discipline has been destroyed.
Nature has set us up in such a way that no thought, no memory, no sensation is stored solely in one spot. They are distributed throughout the brain and that's why it's so difficult to completely destroy a person's memory.
From My Sister Maria, a documentary about Maria Schell by Maxmillian Schell


Blogger Tseka said...

Beautiful image.

Brings to mind Elena's comment last night of the distorted mirror.

Remapping, the brain remaps not just in the brain but in the body. My beloved lost several fingers in an accident a few years ago. i dreamed this 2 weeks prior- sometimes the connection is disturbing. But important, for he found me that day in his shock and bloodloss, as i wrapped his hand in a towel and held him he could function and get himself to hospital. Other distorted mirrors. And the idea that we are remapped in other places not within our own physical self.
Back to his story.
He was constantly bothered by itching and pain in the missing digits. What to do? Try scratching one of the other places. The hand remapps on the cheek and jaw and also on the upper arm. Scratch there. Hey, how about that, it worked.

On the river.
very nice.
The above is why one of my mantrams has become, "i am in the river with you." we are all in the same river.

1/1/09 8:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

When A was little, i read a lot trying to understand the amazing gift of intelligence he held and how to care for it and him. Several studies have found high IQ related to birth trauma and prematurity. Interesting eh? Intelligence as a birth defect.

1/1/09 8:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, I've heard those stories of missing body parts.

I am so interested in the distorted image as a reflection of truth. I think we are always veiled in order to cope with everyday reality. And the naked image is exposed briefly here and there. Or else the distortion reflects our own brain mapping. We try so hard to fit into group image.

Distortion and perfection. I see the distortion more than most I think. Artists are interested in that.

I would go along completely with the idea of intelligence as a defect. It's the aberrations that hold the seeds for advancement I believe.

There seems to be no need for high intelligence now but the defects get through. Very interesting.

1/1/09 10:48 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

The hand remapps on the cheek and jaw and also on the upper arm. Scratch there. Hey, how about that, it worked.

I'm fascinated, would like to hear more about remapping...

4/1/09 5:02 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm fascinated, would like to hear more about remapping...

A great book would be Phantoms in the Brain by Vilayanur S Ramachandran

I'm always on the lookout for evidence we exist in multiple and simultaneous locations. It's subtle but persuasive.

4/1/09 5:38 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4/1/09 5:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've always thought life was made up of the same material and could be realigned. Everything might be a remap with slight alterations.

Maybe things map and remap to keep guiding us to some destination. Generations remap in the next generation I would think.

4/1/09 7:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm convinced that it's something similar JM

Bohm said that if a particle passes through a field it would always illicit the same response, no matter what time elapses.

We seem to be connected to certain patterns that transcend boundaries such as time space.

4/1/09 7:59 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Once reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead i ran across an offering that can be made from one who has an open heart to the dying. It is an offering to accept a part of that person so they may find their way back. Golden threads. Few can die so consciously. I wonder if we do leave traces of ourselves. I remember places i've never been. It would be easy to leave a part of me attached to certain places, i can imagine that as a last impulse.

4/1/09 8:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We seem to be connected to certain patterns that transcend boundaries such as time space.

Absolutely. In ways we're crippled by time and space, so the patterns ouside have to be part of the whole as enlightened pathways saved for special moments of perception.

I'm sure we leave traces. I think they are the real legacies.

The molecules realign so we continue in some form. Sometimes the living perceive the threads when they get free of mundane concerns to an extent.

Then you believe in past lives? I thought you didn't.

4/1/09 8:23 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

do i believe in past lives...
have no real opinion but part ways with people who remember themselves as so and so. Perhaps they do, who can say?

But i know things, i have memories that go back, i do not know if the memories are mine or are a continuity of that which i am part of. Memory seems completely accessible, permeable. We can slide into and out of.. i often see things (current reality) but i know i am looking through other means.
you know.

4/1/09 8:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good way of putting it concerning past lives.

That's why I posted that thing above about the brain and memory. It's importance and indestructibility. I
don't think it matters where the memories come from. Memory is outside that categorization.

Current reality is relatively unimportant I think. We arbitrarily give it that importance for some proof of significance or something. As a defense against those beckoning otherworldly entities people like to see in the movies but dare not encounter for "real."

4/1/09 8:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I stumbled across a curiosity as i was translating old myth. At least this is my take: Memory is soul. Venus is also synonymous with memory and soul. Venus|earth soul|matter union. It has made me look again at the intention of the legends.

4/1/09 8:59 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Current reality is unimportant...agree completely. Just another distorted mirror?

4/1/09 9:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The extended answer to your Pluto question is now up at RU.

Yes, Distorted mirror.

Interesting you should say this about memory and soul. Memory is Cancer. And I always thought the soul quality in personality is Cancer too. Musicians capture this quality and I think they deal in memory primarily. The real ones. Many Cancer musicians or strong moons.

4/1/09 9:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's what musicians always say. "He's got soul."

4/1/09 9:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes moon and cancer, this is why the curiosity about the Venus reference. The moon qualities (and the Disir or wise women) were well known as well as the cycle, down to its standstills every 18 years Intuition and all the qualities we think of astrologically are the same so what is up with Venus?

I think perhaps it is the noting of the keeping time, the perfect 5/8 pattern of revolutions. I'm still thinking about it. I believe it has to do with fixed star Antares, Uriel, tree of life carrying an energy into the earth a stimulation of Earth herself. There is a grid that criss-crosses the earth, weather, electromagnetic info moves along it. Maybe this is the memory connection. I'm letting it percolate.

4/1/09 9:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't think you can figure these things out in such precise terms. You might get all the facts and figures in line but still the connection eludes. That's the SN in Virgo which already understands the details. The NN in Pisces bypasses the whole system and gets the answer and expression from perception.

The grid might exist but memory is in you with your asc ruler in Cancer. It needs no explanation. The explanation might be there but again Virgo SN wants to say, "So what?" I remember. That's enough.

The trick is to indulge the desire to explain it without taking it too seriously and remember to simply remember. Capture it in poetry.

the connection with others through these intellectual pathways are attractive but probably the most satisfying is through the feeling level and the poetic with Cancer and the NN in Pisces. You do that with beauty and expertise. Perfect rhythm. Cancer.

I don't get the memory connection to Venus in any way close to what I get with Cancer. But Venus talks to you. It's a private language that you can keep listening to as she whispers.

4/1/09 9:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I kiss you a fond goodnight my reindeer friend.

Oh yes that is a clue the trekways the reindeer follow? ly (lei lines) are part of this mystery.

4/1/09 9:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neptune will be coming to your NN soon. A beautiful inspirational time.

4/1/09 9:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A kiss from one deer to another.

4/1/09 9:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The neurologist above mentioned that memory permeates all parts of the brain so that indicates a fluid motion to me devoid of boundary. Does water carry the earth's memory? We sit by the rivers and oceans and dream. As if the river carries us to a forgotten place. A mother thing. Rocking motion.

4/1/09 10:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's interesting. I know something about this since I'm a Cancer, and especially with Mercury in Cancer where all thought is intrinsically connected with unschooled response.

Cancer and the memory is a state of longing woven with nostalgia, so we don't know if it's something past or not. We just know it isn't quite here. Is it ahead? We can't go back. It will have gone. It's the stuff of art and why we follow the muses.

Venus is supposed to govern the senses, but sensory input starts with the Moon. Venus decides on its value. Smell and sound are closely connected to memory so Venus could fit in that way.

I'm not one who believes that the ancient systems have the answers. I think we all have the answers uniquely within each body, although we're connected to the past automatically.

That's why I part ways with traditional astrology. I take that system as suggestion but most of my understanding for the planetary energies comes from my reactions. Then again, Cancer does this easily. She feels her way to knowledge. She trusts that the most.

5/1/09 1:13 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The neurologist above mentioned that memory permeates all parts of the brain so that indicates a fluid motion to me devoid of boundary. Does water carry the earth's memory?

Water seems to be very capable of retaining shape of what was once and is no longer, we think this forming of lattices is how homeopathy works. The material substance is no longer present but an after image remains and is recognizable to our human memory system.

You know that trees communicate too. Across miles. They warn each other of impending crises. Locust etc.

A friend who is a geo-technical engineer, A, and i did some experiments here. They were testing my ability to sense electro-magnetic emanations against equipment. It was pretty fun and sharpened my senses with the feedback.

What was that old Donovan song? "Everything is a part of everything anyway..."

8/1/09 7:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's fascinating about the lattices. They might be part of what the musician writes with.

Those experiments sound fantastic. It's a kick when these skills are acknowledged.

I think after images are everything. I give all things time to reverberate.

I think the electro-magnetic emanations are how everyone navigates by attraction and repulsion. So I always come to the conclusion that we are being properly guided.

8/1/09 10:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Everything communicates. I love the image of the trees. That's why I've been rethinking evolution.

9/1/09 2:59 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

When i was deep in my research for my dissertation i read a lot of odd but wonderful things in astrophysics which is where the info on trees came from BTW, and some books on co-evolution.

Artists, (incl) musicians use something that they perceive, just what, who knows. It's tantalizing eh? Pulling things we see and hear right out of the ether.

What draws me into the old legends and myths are the memories of a people who communicated directly with their environment. Clues. This morning i spent perhaps 20 min. talking to a bobcat inches from me. He turned up early waiting at the patio door as i made my coffee. Then i kneeled down and we sat in each others company. I feel like such a stupid woman as i cannot understand what he is telling me. His eye shape changes and face muscles move. I sense several things but nothing clear. No fear, some curiosity, but mostly we are past that. He comes several mornings a week to make contact then disappears. My teacher.

You and i have spoken before about how the animals guide us.

So much of the tribal lore where i was raised made clear that certain animals are our relatives, they teach us and offer us protection.

For me the myths and legends act similar my friends techno measuring devices - to sharpen the dormant sense.

9/1/09 7:48 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Everything's relevant.

9/1/09 1:35 PM  

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