Wednesday, July 18, 2012
About Me
- Name: jm
I am a brilliant creation of the universe formed from the cosmic protoplasm sailing into eternity. I have two hands, two feet, a couple of great ears, and I'm clipping through life at a moderate pace; minding my p*s and q*s, crossing my t*s, dotting every i.
Shuuuush, let's hang up some balloons before she gets back.
Happy, happy birthday dear friend. Jazz mira, sunflower seed, or by other names you are a bright light we all adore. May this day begin a new cycle of joy for you.
kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday to my favorite Heyokha!! And what a Solar Return for you . . . a cardinal Grand Cross to end all Grand Crosses! :-D
xoxoxo neith~
Happy birthday, dear JM! We're glad you're here. :o)
Balloons! Oh no!
So all it takes is getting older to see my friends! The birthday cat even dragged in my old bud Diane of all people. Good to see you "Neith" except for the news. As if anything else could go wrong. A grand cross??? Is that my birthday gift?
Oh well. Maybe I'll get something accomplished with all that tension.
I think I'm here Joe. At least the disembodied version. At this birthday juncture, perhaps that version is preferable.
I wonder how far skin can travel from youthful perfection under normal circumstances. I'm finding out. Ahhh, the glorious discoveries of age and time.
At first, one laments the wear and tear of young body parts, but eventually one rejoices and celebrates the ones that are still left, relatively intact.
Thanks everyone! Not bad this year. Hugs and kisses back.
Ja, well I think that new moon in Cancer looks like a gift.
Here's a tip from my papa, "gardening seems to run the clock hands backward." At 90 he is still out working in his flowers so maybe there is something to it.
Ooooh. Papa knows something. What an idea. Running the clock hands backward. While life goes forward to 90 and beyond.
Funny. My present to myself this birthday was potted flowers. Backward sounds like a good direction to me.
Thank god for the wise ones.
Oh! So that explains why I'm constantly mistaken for 25. Either that or my Gem Asc. ;o)
Nice. 25 is a good unripe young age.
I need help as a backward clock runner. Tseka, does Dad know what I can do about squirrels in my flower pots? I can't stand those holes to hell they dig.
Unfortunately squirrels are not a problem for my papa but he is bounded by miles of forest that they prefer.
Other tips: Juicy fruit gum in gopher holes, fels naptha soap lashed to treas for the ants and other crawlers.
Here I have the same problem with squirrels and chipmunks. They can figure out all my contraptions; cages within cages, until I wonder why bother and just buy flowers from the market.
Now I plant things they don't like, salvias of all kinds, roses seem to be okay too.
I wish you good luck on that one JM.
I meant of course that unfortunately for us he has no tips on squirrel control methods.
Sticky!!! Thanks! Even though I am still at square 1. No one has any idea how to deal with these obnoxious critters. Every summer they come up with something new with which to torment me. They taunt me from the trees. I think I give meaning to their lives.
You have the best idea. They don't seem to like geraniums, so that's where I'm headed.
Once I got a video on how to trick squirrels. It was interesting. The way they figure out contraptions is fascinating. I wish I were that smart!
Hugs, kisses, and thanks.
Well, in my experience, all you can do is try to live with them. Nothing short of a chicken-wire cage over your entire yard will keep them out. They dig up everything and take bites out of tomatoes and other things. spoiling them for everyone else. They're destructive little Sh*ts, and have gotten into my house twice. Thank heaven I was around to banish them!
If you want a good belly laugh, do a YouTube search for squirrel catapult.
"A grand cross??? Is that my birthday gift?
Oh well. Maybe I'll get something accomplished with all that tension."
One tip is to let go of something else, perhaps allowing a small indulgence earlier in the day, before an act of will. Human beings have to ration their capacity for effortful acts.
To release excess tension, consider taking a pin to a balloon or two. Then, for a different kind of surprise, apply beforehand pieces of transparent tape to a balloon at the points to be pierced. Or, one can always try bubble wrap. At my godson's birthday gathering, there were many yards of bubble wrap for barefoot children to stamp on.
I want one. A squirrel flinger!
I LOVE popping bubble wrap.
Terrorizing balloons....Barefoot in the bubble wrap of la. ;-)
I just found out that another white buffalo was born earlier this month. Today, Native elders and medicine people traveled from all over the country to Connecticut to visit the ranch where the calf was born. They consider it a sign of hope and renewal. Heavens know we need it.
Yeah we do need it. Good news. Hope resides deep in the brain so we can access it no matter what.
Hello deerheart, just drooping by to wish you a marvelous 4th tomorrow. If you open the cafe, I might sip a root beer and treat you to an orange Nehi to celebrate our independence
HA HA!! I'll post something.
Working on it.
Hahaha just saw what I wrote above drooping about sums it up Temps here all records the last many days.
Looking forward to your new post and thank you celebrating this day always now seems to require a stop at the cafe do Mira
So sorry typing on little touch pad will go soo to a box with keys
It's posted. I've made some new discoveries.
Yeah. Another 4th at the Café. Old habits don't die easily, do they?
Not that they should. Or should they? I stay discombobulated these days.
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