Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sleeping By the Lake

I'm closing up my summer retreat and heading down for the winter. Luckily, it's projected to be a mild one here in the high valley. I hope there's no big blizzard. The last one flooded my bedroom and the one before broke the frame of my van. I'd enjoy not being distracted by disaster right now so I trust they are right. I'm on an anti-hysteria regimen as well in efforts to improve my performance and production level.
There's a lake down there and as always, I put my bed by the window so I can breathe fresh air in the night after an evening of philosophical chat on the porch. Now is the time to savor this tonic, staying in the groove.


Anonymous Joe said...

I'm on an anti-hysteria regimen as well in efforts to improve my performance and production level.

hehe that's good advice for everyone. :o)

17/10/09 8:46 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Your idea.

17/10/09 9:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This image and your words evoke such a peaceful sense of time slowing to the proper pace allowing one to savor the elements. It's a good reminder to listen to the leaves and watch the stars. Our busyness can be such a distraction to simply living.

wneewa, (I thank you in Mahegin).

Warm thoughts flowing to you and to your appreciative spider audience.

22/10/09 8:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha ha! The spiders are quiet these days. My audience.:o)

So good to have your wry spirit about.

I avoid busyness. I actually have a slow metabolism so slow movement is natural for me, as is a peaceful state. I'm molassic. It's especially important for me to catch the fall sensations. The light this time of year is my favorite.

I hope the stars are keeping you company in your bright-eyed room in the west.

22/10/09 10:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The stars, yes, I seem to be quite sleepless lately. Orion always awakens me followed by Sirius.

Molassic, hahahaha, oh, I'm stealing that term, excellent. I am just the opposite, a metabolism that runs fast pretty constantly. Helpful most days.

We are in agreement the fall light is precious.

I'm doing the annual open studio event here. It is quiet. Fewer people, far fewer are coming, but they carry a sense of appreciation that has been missing in the past. The quiet is almost a reverence, hard to describe. I noticed this at the museum show last summer too.

It seems to have more to do with some shift of understanding that to be able to go places, visit studios, share in the process is something to be honored, that we could lose these small things that make life pleasurable. Some have struggled to put this into words. "Being on the brink" was how one man termed it, being on the brink and knowing things could easily be lost, that's one's choice matters.

Two friends join me this year, wonderful women artists. It's nice to share my space with them for a few days. The money spigot is a bit more molassic than I would like. We plan to stick it out...heh..seems like I may have some treacle running in the veins too.

24/10/09 9:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

BTW I love all your new commentaries on RU.

I think you touch on what I am seeing here very well- the thinning veil allows us to look into our fears of loss (etc) and weigh the assets we have. Always good.

Perhaps the framed work on the wall that got the most attention today was my doctorate. Interesting as it has sat above my desk without notice for some time. People are weighing the assets, noticing for the first time what may be valuable in a neighbor that they had overlooked before.

People are also energized to take action on local "dynasties" that they did not feel inclined to topple before. It's like shaking the rug. everything is getting a good snap in the wind. It's bound to be interesting.

24/10/09 9:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's good to open up conversation here again. There's a lot in your comments. Let me start with the art and fewer people. I've been studying that phenomenon in the empty restaurants here in town. Business is astonishly sparse, yet something newly elegant and beautiful is growing. I'll do an entry on what I'm finding. Very much in synch with what you're saying about appreciation and, yes, the reverent quiet. It's in the streets and I'm perking up. I feel like being out there for a change. The feel ... I almost dare not speak, but I will.

Many businesses will fail and a weeding out is underway, but what remains will have a kernel of something genuinely good, I believe. Back to substance. The superficial might be losing its glow.

It's strange. You'd think the desolate streets would be sad but they're not. Or I'm not. There's an expectation of something yet to be delivered. A real promise. Like he said... being on the brink and remembering what could be lost. I'm going to fit in much better with the reverent quiet around. I can't stay away from the streets these days. I keep going back to make sure it wasn't a mirage.

Another thing...I'm back in my social people-loving groove and I think it's related to your reverent theory. They have fewer customers, hassles, and distractions and are far more appreciative of good contact. I had a great time last night in Pier 1 smelling the infusions with the sales clerk. It was fun. And again tonight dicussing vegetarianism and skin care at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. It was past closing and we couldn't quit. She had to give me her recipe for gobi. Then later in Macy's, which was open 'till 11. Rachael in Origins. We clicked. Empty stores, full people.

They're opening up.
Values are adjusting.

24/10/09 10:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very good on the RU feedback. I've been going round and around with it, wanting to be more honest and tell it like it is, if I'm going to participate at all. It's time to get realistic and start traveling to the source of our troubles in our groups.

the thinning veil allows us to look into our fears of loss (etc) and weigh the assets we have.

Absolutely. Well said.

Lots of separation anxiety, but now with Saturn in Libra our relationships are going to get an excellent tuning. We'll recognize the good ones and feel the urge to develop their potential. Especially you.

And so true about seeing value that was previously overlooked. That's Saturn and Capricorn. Appreciating credentials and looking for solid achievements. "Weighing the assets." Yes. About time.

The snapping dynasties. Blown away in the restless wind. People are exhausted from supporting them and coddling the wrong people. My interest is awakened for the first time in a long time. I played along for awhile hoping something would take an interesting turn, and now there are sure signs.

It's the world within worlds I discovered that night in the park. The externals go on automatic, monotonous and not terrifically inspiring, and within the whirl, the superior elements spin independently. They could be getting more notice.

Maybe RU will reveal some of these secrets from within. It is interesting, isn't it?

24/10/09 11:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, it is interesting. There is even more to share from today. But it shall have to wait as I am beyond exhausted. I look forward to some relaxation on your lovely porch.

Open studio happens again next week, then a day to pack and fly north to present myths of the white raven and some of my investigations into the oldest of the nordic myths. People pick up the thread of the old stories, their comments constantly amaze me.

It's an interesting time with so many unexpected twists. Words are taking more of my time. I wish that I had your talent and skill with them.

Now I am off to find out about gobi.

Your experiences in the shops mirror mine, subtle, we like to stretch them into something more certain, linger. Today was very much like that. We had to scoot people out so we could dismantle to art displayed on the patios before dark.

25/10/09 8:46 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Alu gobi, of course. Delicious. A forgotten name. Indian food was part of my diet when I lived in Canada, wonder why it slipped out of favor with us here?

25/10/09 8:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'll contact Fortuna again.

25/10/09 11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that image is startling. i can't tell if it's a photograph or not and the light is amazing, surreal almost.

30/10/09 12:45 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You've arrived.
Please come in, while I look through your eye, if I may.

30/10/09 4:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JM I'm in awe of your writing skills. I'm concocting a plan to go south in January and finally finish the manuscript I've been dreaming of since I went to India with my Dad in 2005 during my SR. I don't know if it will happen but dreaming about it is as enjoyable and actually doing it sometimes...

30/10/09 9:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's interesting you should say this chris. Most things I find are better in the dream state except for writing. I can hardly believe how much I enjoy it consistently. I've been doing a double take and a lot of thinking. I realize how much talent I have and so far, I've been unable to fully manifest satisfactorily in any area. Now I don't know what to do.

I was never encouraged in my life, but my writing talent was recognized by my family and I was nudged a tiny bit in that direction. Very tiny.

Now I want to write rather than play music, but I have to make more money. I don't think it's wise to try and become professional. That probably would bleed the joy. But I do realize how important the lyrics of my songs are, so hopefully, I can find renewed interest there and keep writing purely for pleasure.

I always love to hear mention of that time in India. I know it doesn't matter about the details. The manuscript will get done. Maybe the slower the better. One thing to keep in mind is the wonderful long retrograde of Mars in Leo. Good time. On your Saturn.

What is it about creative writing?

31/10/09 12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for reminding me about Mars in Leo!

i think with my natal mercury/chiron creative writing makes me feel better. i always feel better after writing. always.

1/11/09 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the one constant in fact: the release.

1/11/09 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this, I wrote it in a journal in February 2006:

There are some stories we wish to tell but are unable to, and there are stories we are able to tell but don't wish to.
Somewhere in the middle are the stories of others. We wish to take command out there, tales of another's life we can mould into our own. Because we cannot control others by any other way than by imagination, or by force. It is imagination that drives our forcible desire to control another person's story.

Of course, 3 years later I wonder what the heck I was talking about!

1/11/09 7:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The whole idea of controlling others' stories is fascinating. We so quickly abandon our own to fiddle with theirs. And then fiddle with ours as if they're not quite right, after failing to mould theirs to satisfaction. Identity mishaps. Where do we fit in beyond ourselves?

Ahh, the sweet sensations of relationship.

2/11/09 12:31 AM  
Blogger jm said...

People give the cloak of authority to almost any numbskull.

2/11/09 12:34 AM  
Blogger Arter Janet said...

Air is too yucko to be fresh. Air is more browned off

18/7/10 6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your whispering air.

17/10/10 6:52 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Marianthoula. Heheh. So we meet in this quiet spot.

19/10/10 5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My English is poor.I enjoy your comments therefore.

20/10/10 7:18 AM  

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