Thursday, July 04, 2013

The Soul of America

A Georgia preacher's daughter sings.


Blogger jm said...

It's weird. I was suffering in the heat unable to get up an go when an impulse hit and I logged on to the Café. And there it was! You!

Might as well do something while I do nothing. I'm not celebrating like I used to. No barbeque, no frivolity, no shouting. But the fireworks are visible from here so I'll enjoy the spectacle as I should later on.

4/7/13 2:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Suffering in the heat here too, records being broken every day. The reindeer daughter has to suck it up and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Frivolity. Ja, kinda miss her.

So, so, good to be back in the cafe for a bit of doing something while doing nothing.

4/7/13 3:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...


It's so good to converse with one who knows what I mean by the something/nothing.

4/7/13 3:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's awful. It gets so hot in the corner by my computer and in order to see what I'm not-doing I turn on the lamp. Then life gets close to unbearable.

4/7/13 3:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Are you doing the summer markets this year?

4/7/13 3:30 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well we could resume at a later hour if that suits?

Just listening to the you tube, hauntingly beautiful and seems to sum it all up, coming home.
Going home..

4/7/13 3:31 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Nope. Life has swung in a far different direction. I'm mostly teaching for money and hanging on.

My dear mother has been major concern for many months.

North node 1st / 7th house lessons in abundance. You know.

4/7/13 3:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah. Hauntingly beautiful describes Lizz.

My life has swung too. I've not adjusted. How is teaching?

And your lovely mother. Is she all right? As much as can be expected.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Node lessons that won't ever quit.

My sister was my South and it got to be too much, so I cut it off. I felt guilty, of course, but I pushed on. Now she's back with Saturn on my South, so I can resume the usual agony and swirl in the interpersonal vortex.

So independence is a relative phenomenon and something I'll likely always long for on the distant horizon. I hope to encounter it in my late 80s. I've become a little bit realistic about my own shenanigans.

4/7/13 3:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm beginning to understand the thing, I think. There's too much going on. We keep longing for a better world, but this is it. It's full of it all. There's no delete key that works for the flow of painful events. It all just keeps happening. Sometimes I feel stuck. And I am.

4/7/13 3:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Hahaha Oh god, I've missed you. Your shenanigans eh.

Teaching is surprisingly better than I imagined. But, I broke all the rules and decided if I have to give up my loves (temporary separation I hope) then I'm gonna make it as fun as possible. Class is basically kindergarten for adults.

At first there was resistance, difficulty letting go, then, heh, it snuck into the systen and I have people who are coming back every month for their hit of fun. For some that's been more than 2 years.

What about you what creative road are you purring along (Zelda in the back kibbitzing)?

Adjustment does not seem part of the equation for now. One foot in front of the other holding on to 1st principle (integrity) is more what I'm finding.

Ja, that guilt thing, our sibs offered it in spades.

And, here comes Jupiter on your Sun to look Saturn in the eye.

4/7/13 4:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The national malaise gets to me more than I'd like it to. There's nothing I can do. I remember our valiant efforts at plucking silver linings and remaining optimistic about our political and sociological future, but now I feel less of an urge to sugarcoat. Now that I am no longer a hardcore Pollyanna.

I used to think it was all my Sagittarian planets that made me that way, but now I've come to believe that Sagittarius sees too much truth to be overly light-hearted and gay. I'm even less flippant than I once was. Eventually I'll have to come around to frivolous entertainment, though, because that's serious.

I'll wait 'till Saturn exits Scorpio to draw real conclusions.

4/7/13 4:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG!! I forgot about Jupiter.

I'm not much of an astrologer anymore but I'll take Jupiter.

Teaching what?

I'm no longer creative. I stopped everything to get my bearings and I realized I might have been trying too hard in many ways. So I stopped to experience emptiness, but now it's getting ridiculous.

I always thought that social media was not particularly healthy for me and now, of course, I'm addicted, although I rarely comment online. Getting free is challenging but I could be closer than I realize. I could be barely free enough.

The online talk is way too repetitive and not bright, although some sparks appear occasionally.

4/7/13 4:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The national malaise gets to me more than I like as well.

I agree with your assessment of Sagittarius. That 9th house of the zodiac was always trying to set up some system that would put it all to right.

Maybe we really have both been more comfortable with the Aquarian mind.

4/7/13 4:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Teaching art. I got sucked into doing it as a favor with the national park here and then arm-twisted by some who were in those courses. Watercolour, mixed media, what ever I cook up. Cheap thrills.

4/7/13 4:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ive pretty much disappeared from the internet.

I was doing Saturday market before nursing care of mother filled in so many of my hours.

That experience at market, tough as it was, was golden though. When I needed some help, helpers came.

4/7/13 4:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So what's the deal with your mother? She's getting old, is she not?

The helpers will come again. They flit about.

4/7/13 4:30 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It was thinking about you and the "long tethers" the other day that prompted me to write.

Somehow those looonnnngggg tethers have taken on greater significance in the last few years. If I lean into the "sound" in my right ear those golden threads seem to connect all the way back, beyond time. Sitting in emptiness which is not so very empty. Listening.

4/7/13 4:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Internet disappearance is the height of wisdom. I think I'll join you as soon as I can get away.(:o)

4/7/13 4:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That 9th house of the zodiac was always trying to set up some system that would put it all to right.

Now that's something to contemplate. It could be why I dropped everything and let it be. Let it go free form to rearrange it on the other side.

Back to my age old dictum....

Nothing works.

4/7/13 4:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Mother- very strong and vital until an out of the blue emergency that put her in the hospital for 2 weeks. Then a long, long recovery with some surgeries still to come. Tricky stuff. She's built of tough stuff and will probably outlive me. She was out chopping wood the day before it all transpired. My papa is still going too.(90s) They'd tell you old is a frame of mind but are yielding that ground as parts are wearing out and getting up out of a chair is growing more difficult.

4/7/13 4:38 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Nothing works.
Ha! you and my son!

4/7/13 4:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Somehow those looonnnngggg tethers have taken on greater significance in the last few years. If I lean into the "sound" in my right ear those golden threads seem to connect all the way back, beyond time. Sitting in emptiness which is not so very empty. Listening.

That's beautiful. I believe sound is our inner eye. Our map. Our guide as we grope through, feeling our way through too much sensory input. God, the input.

Sound calls us.

My left ear is the dominant one. What's that all about?

4/7/13 4:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yay!!!!! A is my soul mate. No one else understands that philosophy. They think it's too negative. It's just the opposite. It's freedom.

That's bad with the health probs. You have my sympathy. I can't stand watching them suffer. She's lucky to have you. You have certainly paid your dues in the family way.

They'd tell you old is a frame of mind but are yielding that ground as parts are wearing out and getting up out of a chair is growing more difficult.

No no nono no. They say all kinds of foolish things. Age related phenomena are real.

I'm coming face to face with the reality. I was always the perpetual adolescent. Well prepubescent actually. And now I'm beginning to comprehend what we're up against. Old age brings our true selves to the surface. Our personalities appear on our faces and in our musculature. I think our weaknesses come forth fully and do a number on us. We spend our lives being strong, or trying to be, and eventually the effort becomes futile at times. We can afford to give in a little when we get old.

A cane is a handy thing. A beautiful machine.

4/7/13 4:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

"I believe sound is our inner eye"

Yes. Outside time or the, "we are this and this is us" undividable universe my papa speaks of.

Was having conversation about this with a (healing) client who is considered a saint in India...we do well together, strangely.

My father is pretty well deaf now, he uses two hearing aids to catch bits of sound so conversations are difficult. I was up at his place last summer, he was bent over doing some cutting with his chain saw running (yes in his 90's the rascal) when suddenly he stopped and looked up at me,"Do you hear the squirrel in the tree? He's excited about something!" Yes, once the saw stopped I could hear the squirrel but how did he while the saw was running? Because he was listening with is whole self not just his ears. We (Sami) would call it being awake to the world. My swami friend calls it living in the astral now. He is curious how the people kept this without meditation and all the right action of his practice. Maybe it was required to survive?

I think that's what we've been doing all our lives JM, practicing through art, music, listening in the deep empty spaces so we can be as awake as our forebears. Maybe the electronic net carries us there too. I would not be surprised.

4/7/13 5:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anyway, this is wonderful. So glad you appeared. It's got me thinking as always.

I've always wanted to do a long concentrated study of sound in as pure a form as possible, free from too much linear connectedness. In the past I strung it together to be successful and impress whomever, but as I slow the outside struggle, I see more space for this exploration. Such hope. The world will have to twirl without my intervention.

Simple poetry over sound will do the trick. You know. Jazzrap. I've barely begun. Hand me down my walking cane.

4/7/13 5:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have a cane and a walker too for ME. I've needed both. And still have to dust off the cane from time to time. Beautiful is so true. My parents never had the physical trauma I've contented with. Those lessons of fragility hit me hard in my early 30's. I've not forgotten tho I still twirl around the house to the cats' amusement as often as I'm able.

4/7/13 5:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

twirl, twirl at 5:04
Is there magic in that?

4/7/13 5:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Poetry over sound, that's joik for sure.

And what always pulls my heartstrings most.

4/7/13 5:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka, is your father a religious man?

Good god. The chain saw and squirrel. I know what you mean about experiencing with complete being.

Yes, I agree we've been practicing through art and such. I pick up powerful fleeting sensations as I go that remind me that I am fully alive and alert. I am always relieved to realize I can still receive them.

I don't think there is any ordered technique that's required. Maybe just paying attention is the key. And we've learned through the artistic routes. I've always thought that artists were the true leaders of humanity. They get twisted up with the political but eventually get free to guide the crowd to safe places.

4/7/13 5:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think physical inhibitions often free us for other paths, especially if we can leap from the torment. Maybe they even steady us and remind us of the need for gravity.

We can learn to like ourselves in spite of the physical imperfections and somehow come to knowledge about living that serves us well.

I guess my silver lining wand is active again as I prepare for the infirmities of old age.

4/7/13 5:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

5:04. Yeah. We're in synch.

4/7/13 5:23 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Religious, far from it, in fact called members of his family, "religious nuts" he did everything to shield us from religion, part of why he chose to live on the Rez.

Spiritual now that is whole different thing. Very. And very hidden his whole life about his inner knowing, these barriers are dropping at the end of his life and I'm so glad others can now see him as he is.

4/7/13 5:29 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

" guess my silver lining wand is active again as I prepare for the infirmities of old age."

Good deal. We need those silver lining magic wands, right next to the canes. Or maybe make them a multipurpose 2 in 1 tool.

I've also discovering that having some other aces does not hurt. Quite by accident I have a roommate. He needed a place to stay in a hurry and so I just offered A's place across the drive temporarily.That was last Thanksgiving. It's gone well for us. He is bodyworker of unimaginable talent. Not just an athlete but Olympian (breast stroke) and rivals our A in smarts. Maybe it's like the young people you were meeting at the park on summer nights when you took your guitar. There is some pep that mixes in the dust - or something which seems to jostle the cells and say stand up straighter.

4/7/13 5:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A roommate!!! How exciting. Separate spaces. Coming together when desired. Good company is a joy. Good conversation is the staff of life.

I met an amazing young man in Bed, Bath, and Beyond the other night. In the kitchen gadgets. He was an employee, an artist. He knew so much. we had too much ground to cover. I left feeling hopeful about the coming generations.

Talk about jostling the cells.

He's 27. Saturn/Uranus in Sagittarius. Neptune in Capricorn, following the Neptune in Sagittarius generation. More realistic and politically savvy and engaged. Willing to tackle it and hopefully bring down the errant authority figures before we get too entrenched in tyranny. I can only hope that we are spared dictatorship. But all societies go through it eventually. The next few years are going to be revealing.

The generations on deck have many outer planets in Capricorn. So either they'll be our dictators or they'll know how to keep us free of them. Heaven knows our society needs discipline but I hope we can get off the pharmaceuticals and pull it together before it's done for us.

4/7/13 6:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good deal. We need those silver lining magic wands, right next to the canes. Or maybe make them a multipurpose 2 in 1 tool.

Excellent idea. The silver lining wands, the canes, the pool cues, and the fishing rods. All lined up to get us through.

4/7/13 6:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I so agree about your feeling hopeful with this new crop of young people. I'm very hopeful myself. I am re-reading a book, "Generations, the History of America's Future 1584 to 2069" William Strauss & Neil Howe.

In it they believe that an interesting thread connects the GI generation with the baby boomers and then our (late) children in having a clear society creating role. GI's very civic minded geared up with education for their baby boom kids who went off to find a more spiritual life and refined goals with natural childbirth, medicine, food, but otherwise could not bring it into a real societal form. Their ideas are appreciated by their children if technical facility who can crack the barriers and implement.

The uniqueness is in the respect that these three gens have for each other.

4/7/13 7:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, that long tether, I remember you talking about your beloved and how it worked so well, and often best when not living in the same house, apt.

My roommate is a triple Libra. Alors (!)He loves the magical film. I've not watched movies in years so, now I often cook a meal to share a movie and am seeing all sorts of wonderful sweet movies. Ever see " Danny Deckchair"? and a ton of animation - "Brave" for example. We laugh like little children.

4/7/13 7:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha! Triple Libra who loves doing things together. That sounds great. I've been catching up on movies too. I haven't seen Danny, but I'll look for it.

Dinner, a movie, and laughter. That's an easy routine to fall into. It sounds healthy.

I'm watching Brave now. I love that Pixar animation. There's a wonderful version of Horton Hears a Who in animation similar to pixar. You two would love it.

4/7/13 10:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another really good one is Mirrormask. Very unusual animation.

4/7/13 10:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Mirror ask is on the list.
Yep, hard to beat animation and good blues, a bit of Ande Somby joiking, poetry life begins to feel okay. And if I think about it not Pollyanna at all, but perfect quivers in the culture war.

thanks for sharing Mira's special elixir on the 4th. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for our future.

5/7/13 6:38 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Mirrormask hate these touch pads that spell correct must find how to turn that off. Stepped into more modern technology with installation of a wifi tower more dial-up! Finally can watch and listen to you tubes.

5/7/13 6:41 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'll be holding on to this one for a long while

5/7/13 8:14 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes!! She expresses it well.

And thank YOU for joining me although I had my Independence cocktail last night and conked out, thereby missing the culmination. But I think I've given up culminations for the time being.
The comfortable stream of our conversation was both stimulating and soothing, not quite as hyper as some we've had. I see no reason to postpone relaxation anymore.

Another great animator is Michel Ocelot and his films are utterly charming, Kirikou being the most well known. Film buffs know him but the general movie audience is in the dark, of course.

Another worthwhile experience is a film by controversial Danish film maker Lars Von Trier. It's called Melancholia and was made when he was in a major depression. It's a film about the end of the world but it's strange, not really depressing, or not in the ordinary way. He's a tormented soul and some of his films are deeply disturbing but this one is delightfully disturbing. Maybe the surfacing of his own melancholia helped him.

It's an interesting psychological study and a visually beautiful work. I'm wondering if there is something specific in the Scandinavian character that draws these artists into these interior places. Bergman comes to mind. The relationship to earth , space, and reality was interesting in this movie bringing to mind the latitude and its effect on Northern life. The apocalyptic factor was entirely different from American films. A "dreaming wide awake sequence" was in it.

I'm crossing my fingers, too, but the limited span of my future could guarantee a good result. Not enough time for serious mischief.

I have another artist to share with you, so maybe I'll hang around here a bit until my birthday.

The dreamer, Lizz, is an Aquarian who is devoted to fellowship and the nurturing of other artists. She has an interesting story. The competitiveness of her Aries Moon seems to be tempered by the Aquarian Sun and her many Virgo planets to make her easy to work with and able to give a lot of credit to others. I like her personality which is the basis of her understated humble musical style.

She sings about lost love a lot but I suspect that she is the heartbreaker, always moving on with her Aries Moon to new places and experiences. The Aquarius is not eager to be tied down either. A good choice for Independence Day.

5/7/13 8:53 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It's an interesting psychological study and a visually beautiful work. I'm wondering if there is something specific in the Scandinavian character that draws these artists into these interior places. Bergman comes to mind. The relationship to earth , space, and reality was interesting in this movie bringing to mind the latitude and its effect on Northern life. The apocalyptic factor was entirely different from American films. A "dreaming wide awake sequence" was in it.

Ja, it's the low light of the northern winter. They and the Russians have perfected it, pushing it from pathology into art.

I'll ask B to look for Lars Von Trier and Melancholia. I love Bergman. It's kind of a genetic fault I'm sure. My son when young had this one film passion, as so many kids do. He would watch My Life as a Dog over and over and over. (with subtitles)

5/7/13 7:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

B sauntered over last night so I told him about Kirikou. He was immediately on to it with his iPhone, "Ooooh!!!Kirikou and the Soureress" tap, tap, entering it into his Netflix list.

"This looks great, does Jam have any other recommendations?"

"Jam?" Poor guy, I was suddenly convulsed in laughter. I guess his Texan ears rounded up my Swedish accented JM into Jam. And now I figure I'm toast.

Melancholia he's seen, relating the Long, Slooooow aspect was not everyone's cup of tea. It suited him and a friend but it was unfortunate that it was a movie night that included some other lads - Marines. Oy, they spent most of the movie running off to smoke. B and his buddy would ask, "should we pause this for you?" "OH NO, no that's okay, don't wait for us"

We both have our ears open for Jam's suggestions. :)

6/7/13 7:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA! JAM! I like it. It would make a good stage name. A jazz/poetry experience.

I forgot about the slow pace and how most people feel about it. Just like a Libra to worry about his friends.

My suggestion with Kirikou is to get them in French with subtitles. Kirikou's voice in the original French is so so cute. He has a new one out called Tales of the Night. I haven't seen it yet.

My ideal in relationship is companionship around shared interests like I've always enjoyed with my Aquarian men. I think all the air signs have that talent. The idea of you two movie lovers living together/apart and meeting for shared pleasures is very appealing. Your Saturn in Libra must be somewhat content. What an odd development in your more than ordinary life. So here we all are drifting about in the world of imagination. It's getting serious.

I've got a mind to drive west for a week of movie loving with you two deepening friends. If you can keep it going for awhile, our paths could link.

Motion pictures. At the turn of last century when the movie industry took off, the world fell madly in love with us. I've got my fingers crossed that we can renew the love affair.

7/7/13 12:41 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What an odd development

Ha! sure is but life or at least mine seems to be peppered with odd developments.

I've got a mind to drive west for a week of movie loving with you two deepening friends. If you can keep it going for awhile, our paths could link.

Wouldn't that be cool?
We'll sweep off the welcome mat. This fall! Bring your guitar. It's beastly hot here now, barely fit for rattlesnakes.

Motion pictures. At the turn of last century when the movie industry took off, the world fell madly in love with us. I've got my fingers crossed that we can renew the love affair.

Yes, I'll cross mine too. We all seem to be holding our breaths for some creativity to shake the whole of our collective imaginations and spin some enchantment. It's a lovely thought, really is.

B has joined me to work with my sweet Swami. It's the reason for the span of silence, no cocktail for a nice relaxing night...we've been to LA. A tiring trip a couple times of month but well worth the effort as all goes very, very well. I still hold this flame of hope that if we lift together we can heal the whole.

Thank you for the film offering (Jam ;)). I'm salivating but think maybe I'll wait for B to turn up and share it with him.

Back sooner than last my sweetheart.

10/7/13 5:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Worry not. Take all the time in the world, if not the universe. Please yourself first, St.B.

I could come now if I put my rattlesnake in the pet hotel.

11/7/13 2:14 PM  

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