Friday, March 06, 2009


Musicians can be quirky.


Blogger Tseka said...

Wow what a photo. The guy in the background with the red shirt seems almost like a reflection. So many stories here. Amazing.

I find this applying of white so interesting, it turns up on so many cultures.

7/3/09 10:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The bees have come. For several days it been only the wild bees. It's still cold and everything is late. Today the honey bees arrived in my ash, sacred pilgrimages.

My first museum submission was accepted. A contract is coming. Written words and art combined. A workshop too, about simplicity. Limited palette and learning how to make every imaginable colour from only 5. October. It's far enough away i may get have enough time to put it all together. It a small, local and a good place to get my feet wet. A start. Maybe. Everything seems tentative.

7/3/09 10:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I didn't think you'd like this one so much! I'm surprised. I love it.

Congratulations!!!! Tentative is good, I think. "Maybe" is my life. That's enough. What happens is no better than what doesn't happen.

But this sounds wonderful.

7/3/09 10:39 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes I do love it. The light creeping under the hanging cloths suggests a different life just on the otherside unaware of the scene. You could write a book on this photo.

Tentative -heh, maybe i my life too, I say it far to often. Perhaps, we'll problem is an over flowing mind. I always have 10million things I'd like to do and lose focus.

8/3/09 8:20 AM  
Blogger jm said...

These projects will give you focus.

8/3/09 2:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Contract came with no stipend - they have no money i just get a better than usual percentage on a sale if there is one. And they will provide refreshments and only share in advertising. hmmm.

So work with no money.

The days are OK for me but man since the full moon the world seems to have gone nuts for some that i know.

Yesterday, the woman my father lives with had surgery and it took 5 hours to stabilize her afterwards. My father (soon to be 87) sat in recovery with a neighbor and urged her to breathe and wake up while the buzzer intermittently went off as she stopped breathing and the ventilator picked up.

It's easy to let go after anesthesia, and this is what happened to three people i know of in the last week. Surgery then a release from this earth. I find that number to be impressive given my small circle. Must be something, thought I'd pass it over for your consideration.

How does it fare around you?

17/3/09 7:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's a mixed bag of chips here.

The museum deal is fine. I don't know about this one, but others are really in tough times. Just don't knock yourself out for this. Make it easy. Enjoy other things and let your pieces sell on their own without you trying too hard. It might be good. Backing off and relaxing.

That is definitely a noticeable number. I'll be back to talk. There could be a message there. My mother went that way, although she came back for a few spirited days before leaving.

Pisces rules anesthesia.

18/3/09 6:59 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I just got a wave of something about the museum and what I've been thinking about in terms of backing off and relaxing in my work. Will discuss. Something good here.

18/3/09 7:02 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm looking forward to it. It's early here so you've been up for hours. We'll get together later.

Love you bunched my raven haired beauty.

18/3/09 7:13 AM  
Blogger jm said...


18/3/09 7:14 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It's easy to let go after anesthesia

That's good. Dying can be hard.

18/3/09 3:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

18/3/09 3:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

dying can be hard and it can take a long time. A job came up here this week at hospice which i am qualified to do. I debated for a couple of days about sending in a resume. This group I know quite well, personally and as an ombudsman. It's my opinion they over use the opiates keep a person completely unaware and hurry the process. I have been present at many deaths each has its own character. I am completely opposed to rushing this for the convenience of the living. In the end because a job is what I need I made phone calls to people I know, the job was already promised and designed for an employee. The relief was huge. A part of me thought I could bring something to the group and a part knew I was an outsider.

Pneumonia is another easy way to go. In times past they called pneumonia the angel of death.

18/3/09 3:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm off to a meeting about open studios. Maybe there I can make some impact.

See you later.

18/3/09 3:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm so glad about the job. I almost did a similar thing and the message hit me hard. We are going to flower out there as artists. I have an odd confidence of late. Tell me about the meeting when you get back.

18/3/09 4:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The meeting was good. Surprising. Few people. Only the truly interested came. We covered a lot of ground and the points that most concerned me were met with yes.

After 30+ years of doing this biz I have a lot of experience if not in how to do a good production certainly how one is done. Little things in graphics that can make a good presentation are key.

I'm also for winnowing the artists and doing more, different kinds of venues. So everyone participates but in differently branded events. We have nearly 200 artists in our valley that want to participate. Some of them are not even artistic let alone artists. I don't mean that as a judgment but as an observation. You must do the work to qualify not just name yourself. The crafters at the senior center cannot have equal billing with the professional studio artist. This just confuses the public who will not come back. There has to be some evaluation of where and when the different members of community belong.

18/3/09 8:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The small group is the best seed. It sounds like things are holding workable potential.

18/3/09 10:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I dunno JM it's all a confusing mess. Yet to be expected. A woman whose work is a collaboration with her husband - acrylic on canvas desert themes just a step above the lurid red sunset with the roadrunner dead center...god related her recent art fair in the conservative community of La Quinta. This is a show I tried 2 years ago with out a single sale nor even much conversation. A went with and labeled the patrons Hoas (As in Home Owner Association). You know the type they all look the same, act the same, consume the, same pants, same polo shirt, same car, same house and same painting in harvest gold, and avocado. Anyway this gal is full of posture and not much likable surrounds her. She said that the art community is great, lots of money, she just had her best show ever.

There were three of us artists who respect each others talent sitting with pale faces. We all made eye contact with each other and it was as if we were hearing of the death of a friend. We all know if she is doing this well we are shit out a luck. It's a weird cycle that those of us who have been doing this for 30 years recognize.

In the 80's i painted flowers. Big abstracts and probably made the most money ever. I do not think i have what it takes to do orange sunsets with purple hills and roadrunners or coyotes. Kokopellis dancing around the borders is good too.

I don't even want to be with these people.

19/3/09 8:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I had a reckoning with all of this a couple of weeks ago when I confronted the crap that passes for art here in the galleries, and I no longer want any part of it.

A lot is happening so take a little time. If things get worse the sales game in this country will suffer as it should.

Don't be with these people. It's a betrayal of yourself and the whole thing. I was lucky when I had M and didn't have to deal with the shit, but now I don't know either.

She said that the art community is great, lots of money, she just had her best show ever.

I'm gradually learning to disengage from this but it isn't easy. The trash that's elevated everywhere is tragic. But I'm going to try and let it be while my own path becomes clear.

I can't stand that kind of pseudo art you're talking about. Music is almost nothing but.

19/3/09 10:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe the museum show is the way to go for now.

19/3/09 10:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I've got several irons in the fire getting hot and about 2 months of savings left.

Next up is putting a sign at the bottom of this hill- open Studio- and see if I can trip some of the tourists going to the park. The bloom season is about to start and people from LA will be out. Two friends will join me.

Also the homeopathic intensive is going forward. I will speak to someone next week about this.

20/3/09 6:54 AM  

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