Thursday, February 05, 2009


Several of my interests are represented here and I've developed considerable skills, although painting I'm pretty weak in. I plan to learn when I'm in my 80s. As far as globe trotting goes, I might travel to Sikkim, but not much further than that. I'll see. After I learn how develop photos in the darkroom.


Blogger Tseka said...

Now you've got my curiosity aroused, what is creating the big shadow across the rug and part way up the piano?

6/2/09 5:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That would be the fairy in the mirror.

6/2/09 5:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I am weak on music.
I do have a wonderful treadle sewing machine that has followed me everywhere. It is a marvel.

6/2/09 5:06 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

heheheh. I believe you're right i saw the wee light in the mirror. She must be of enormous power to cast that big of a shadow. But of course to live with you she would be...

6/2/09 5:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...


I've never even tried a treadle machine. I used to be so opposed to sewing I wouldn't touch one. Those gals were dexterous and had great rhythm.

6/2/09 5:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Oh JM i do believe you would love treadling whilst sewing. It has a nice rhythm to it. Good for we fidgety types. I had no electricity for a part of my life so a treadle was the only way to go. I love it. No electric hum.

6/2/09 5:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg, yes. We fidgety types. Oh dear.

Get me my treadle!

You know, I've thought a lot about that electric hum. Oppressive, it can be. Always in the same key.

6/2/09 5:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

One reason i abhor florescent light bulbs.


It is somber here today, with a skiff of snow powdering the ridge. The whole day was a push-pull Saturn / Uranus maybe the eclipse attitude acoming.

Even the animals are feeling it. The coyotes are acting spooky, running and looking over their shoulders and nothing (that i can see)following. Ulli Maki is growling at empty space. The bobcats have tagged my house in the 4 directions. 'bout knocked me over. Cat pee x 100 power.

I am under the protection of the cats. Ahem....

Having a resident fairy sounds like a wise plan.

6/2/09 5:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't tolerate florescents. That's one reason I work where I do. The sound is evil, as is the light.

This opposition is interesting. Reality is closing in and somber is a hard pill for them to swallow, but they'll have to. So the animals know.

I actually feel better, since the somber set in awhile ago and it's not bad at all for me. Relaxing, really.

The eclipse also looks interesting. I've been harping on this failure thing since it's knocking on the door. Pluto is just about to go retro again opposite US Venus, and failure finally can't be ignored, although they haven't seen anything yet. It's pervasive.

Depressed sensations are good I find in that one can discover hidden reserves of joy that become more meaningful. I'm already getting that. People have great times within hard times. The American depression produced the finest popular music in history.

Resident fairies are tops.

Any ideas on the eclipse? The comet is there.

6/2/09 5:56 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Been looking at the comet. Two tails and going retrograde both completely boggling. And right along the zodical path, very,very close so everything is going get influenced.

I have been having odd dreams. Not that it's unusual. But there is a pricking of awareness that i can't put my finger on.

Comets are electo energy not ice and can pass through the deep dark cold without suppressing the light. Light in general is memory the spark that generates.

I could very well be interesting.
Especially with the inhabitants of most of the world ready to PoP.

Pluto opp US Venus, compulsion obsession? Narcissism, as we spoke of before. Maybe a chance to rethink our relationship?

And you are 100% correct about the music. Like the Appalachian music carried by the Celtics, songs born of hard times.

I was thinking about the WPA and the Artist/musicians who got money during the depression. That Eleanor Roosevelt was a smart woman in insisting that the artists get some for the soul of America. I met some weavers and carvers who worked on Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood and some other places. Their works still make me gasp, a wonderful legacy.

6/2/09 6:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't think the artists are going to get that this time around. The soul of America will have to be saved by something other than the government, which is fine by me.

A lot could happen with Venus-Pluto. You are right about obsession which we are seeing now. It's degrading.

The destruction of the economy? Jupiter is next door which could exaggerate the blowup even more. It's actually happening now. Pluto prevented any savior stuff, so it will be interesting to see where it tumbles.

Good relationships among us could replace what's lost. It's all about values. Venus in Scorpio, all Venus-Pluto configurations, can bring destruction and/or big loss when the real things of value are finally ready to come. The whole thing of fair exchange. Giving to get.

Venus rules the arts, so it could really get interesting.

6/2/09 6:24 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

One thing, Iceland has always been a harbinger of progress for democracies. Unn, a woman started the Althing (court of law and now the Parliament) she refused to follow the rules. Made her own had everyone following her in the end. Any way Iceland is refusing to take the destruction quietly and are out in the streets. They just installed a 66 y/o woman (a lesbian) to lead them. It will be interesting to see what their solutions will be. They went off the Oil economy about 10 years ago and were doing very well. It has been a very interesting political story to watch. The people are energized.

6/2/09 6:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have Venus in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. For me it is all about sacrifice for Art and Healing, which are the same energy of the soul.

No, the government bailout and solutions are just making the situation more impossible.

In the big picture it is time for the blow. For myself it is beginning to look a bit grim. No money at all has come in for a long while. I have a lot of skills i can trade but we are not there yet.

6/2/09 6:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've been watching Iceland with great interest. She seems to be ahead of the pack. Maybe some Aries there. People everywhere are getting energized. Times demand it. We have a heavy bale to lift speaking of baleouts.

The government is destroying its own self. Today was a big sign. It's so beautifully choreographed. The blow is blowing. A relief.

I'm not worried about you. And probably not me. We've already given. It's not exactly time yet. I've meditated heavily on this recently, and I think to push it would cause more trouble. Let it come naturally. When the fair exchange returns it will be much more to your liking. And mine.

6/2/09 6:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Pluto-Venus affects everyone collectively, so as the country reviews her values, people like us who have done a lot of the work should find it not so hard to make the exchange and be appreciated. We've been fairly genuine and devoted to our talent when others grabbed for the artificial. This will be rewarded.

6/2/09 6:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Interesting you should say this...
I drew a card yesterday - 10 of pentacles. And what i saw was Venus (pentacles) with the masculine and feminine meeting at the portal and the Harr one (wise hoary one) watching. An equal exchange. It looks promising.

Funny about "The Lovers" last week's card. The very fellow that i spoke of that i've been avoiding was successful at manipulating a situation - i thought an interest in purchasing a piece. When in fact he was hoping to celebrate his birthday in a different way - with me as the gift.

Ahem, at least i am very clear about my own sovereignty. Meanwhile the cats are claiming me.

How did the King of Wands play out for you if it has?

6/2/09 7:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very interesting about the Lovers.

I love the 10 of Pentacles.

The King is an ongoing thing with me. It has to do with my courage in self expression, and probably leadership, no matter who gets offended or how afraid I am underneath. How timid. I keep wanting to back out of the engagement and the King keeps coming up to remind me to put it all out there and also take a singular directing role. I have to keep it up and not flinch from the responsibility which I think kings represent.

There is nothing specific I'm after right now. It's more of an overall expression of identity and getting past my own gates.

A man fell crazy in love and lust for me the other day, though, and that speaks of the magnetic projection that's probably required now. I wasn't tempted, but I'm also reminded not to be afraid to be terribly attractive and expressive.

6/2/09 7:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

A man fell crazy in love and lust for me the other day, though, and that speaks of the magnetic projection that's probably required now. I wasn't tempted, but I'm also reminded not to be afraid to be terribly attractive and expressive.
Wonderful to be our ages and bringing men to their knees eh?
interesting, yes, the magnetic projection...attraction. I have spent much of my life Not being terribly attractive. It is a curios thing as i can become quite radiant. I worry about the maya projection and how it can attract.
Once was the victim of a stalker. I am cautious. I do not know how to use that power so i leave it.

6/2/09 7:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Speaking of sovereignty. 10 states have or are in the process of declaring sovereignty. As in putting the federal gov on notice re article 10 of the constitution. So something is afoot. Or not. I do not know how to read this. Maybe it is just no more unfunded mandates from the Fed to the state will be allowed. Maybe it is something more. It is happening in both repub and dem states. There are some things quietly happening that seem to go along with the astrology. Saturn |Uranus at the least.

Several years ago a friend who is a judge on appeals court and i had a long conversation about the next great movement in USA would be just this; a return to state's rights.

6/2/09 8:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

sorry i meant 10th amendment which confirms that all powers not directly given to the federal government in the constitution are reserved for the states and the people.

6/2/09 8:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, the attractivenes at my age does feel good.

Better to leave it since it works automatically. I think that's one huge flaw I find in women's behavior. They don't know how to let it be. How to let it express naturally with some innocence. We're taught to be vampires with the taint of carnal knowledge, and I never related to that. Snaring men was never needed for me. They come of their own accord.

I like looking good, but I don't work at it. Men have always adored me, even though I'm not interested in sex. They don't seem to mind.

6/2/09 8:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I also feel the return to state's rights. The breakdown of the federal government has to come. But there might be increased consolidation at first. I'm a little concerned about what they'll do when faced with their loss.

In the meantime I think the states are wising up. They're going broke and realize they won't be bailed out, just as we won't.

I've never been a Democrat ot a Liberal in terms of huge government programs. Only when necessary. With help comes bondage. I'd much rather my state be off the hook and take care of her own probs. We don't mind paying taxes here.

We really could use a massive re-organization of the whole thing. Economic ruin seems like a real possibility, so it could happen. The growth is occurring in pockets as always.

6/2/09 8:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

When i think about it this is exactly what the people of Iceland were up to, resisting the EU, refusing to be brought into the pact.

6/2/09 8:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There's a lot ahead with the Saturn-Uranus transits. The people aren't quite getting it yet, but I did on this opposition. The loss of trust in this administration is underway. They are fighting it tooth and nail and will be while the SN is in Cancer and then the Pluto opps. His popularity rating went down 10 points. It'll go back up but will eventually come way down in increments. He's a joke. Very weak. The people know. Major loss of trust in the federal gov't is due. This stimulus fiasco was tragically ridiculous and the evidence is coming soon.

Then the Uranus in Aries square will be really interesting in terms of autonomy, both state and individual. The weakness on the top is serving to pull out the strength on the bottom.

6/2/09 8:23 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Me either. I am liberal as in tolerant. Otherwise, i like the constitution as it stands and believe in responsible participation. For those unable to participate; those who are disabled, elder, young it is a given that we share the burden of care. Reading the proposed outlays for specific items in the "stimulus package" i grow slightly nauseous.

6/2/09 8:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm excited now. More than ever. This opposition was pivotal and I feel it strongly. We're now on our way.

Very excited. I feel a definite turning point and I'm a little surprised at how quickly the people are catching on although it has yet to reach full consciousness. It will fairly soon, especially after Uranus leaves Pisces.

Our survival depends on separation now and we're going to do it. The Pluto return is another declaration, bringing power even further into the hands of the collective. That's why this president is perfect in his weakness.

It's frustrating to see the people try so hard to believe and avoid the responsibility required. The rationalizations and denials are awful. But it's part of the process. I have to be patient.

6/2/09 8:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Agree the weakness on top is serving to strengthen the individual. Here's where we serve- you and I. Last go-round the churches has a powerful say. This time i think women may be very influential. I note that in Wales women are equal in number to men in the parliament. The US has been lagging. It is our age women who seem to have a role to play. I can't give much to back that up but it has been a strong sense for a while. The whole "grandmother" concept reasserting under capricorn.

6/2/09 8:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The stimulus is totally sickening as it should be. We have to fail now. No way out of it. So don't worry about that stuff. Most of it probably won't get spent anyway as the economy plotzes.

The package is an attempt to shore up the empire as it was and it can't be done. Wait till the next "bad" bank bailout comes. You'll puke. They're trying to make it look like the thing is revived so they can win in 2012. Big consolidation of banking ahead and that is going to be wild.

In some ways I go along with traditional Republican thought in terms of self reliance. And I agree about taking care of those who can't care for themselves. I'd like to see a great resurrection of the R Party so we can have a real government. This country leans Republican.

6/2/09 8:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the first woman president will be a Republican, and it might not be too long in coming. Women are gaining and even though Pelosi is an ass, she was the first tangible sign. I don't give a flying fig what gender they are, if any specific gender at all, as long as they have some sincerity and can do a good job.

Unfortunately the dregs, womanwise, are here now as evidenced in the last campaign, but it could be a clearing process.

The older I get, the less gender concerned I am. I never was much anyway. It doesn't make any sense to me. There are too many variations within every individual.

6/2/09 8:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I do agree that an equal number of each gender in Congress would be fabulous.

6/2/09 8:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Growing up in Washington state with Native Americans i had a different sense of what works. The Scandinavians are really very libertarian. Few laws. This only works in some societies. One of the very interesting things in the history of this country is the integration of Scandinavians and Native Americans in the early immigration days..I had no idea until reading this summer. Both cultures had a horror of the English and their ways. Even tho they set up a new country the British immigrant carried so much of the British monarchy, the fiefdoms, etc into the culture. We are still struggling with that ownership class.

6/2/09 8:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Completely, agree with you about not caring about the gender. I guess that when women are equally represented there will be a point where no one will notice anymore.

Ja, we were so happy when Pelosi made speaker, meh. I've wised up.

6/2/09 8:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very very interesting, tseka, about the Native As and the Scands. I think there is something going on with this in terms of where we really stand on governmental philosophy. We hate taxes, so I think this libertarian way might triumph. Being an anarchist I go along whole heartedly. The british way might go down with the Pluto return.

6/2/09 8:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah. I've wised up too. Too embarrassing not to.

6/2/09 8:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We have the Leo NN with its love of monarchy, but it should be solely a figurehead performing ceremonies and all of that. We've got to get control of our money. it's in our protoplasm. So hopefully this disaster will do the trick, although it might take half a century to rebuild.

6/2/09 8:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...


Ohhh here we go....neo paganism, is listed and 100 million dollars is allocated in the program for Neo paganism, to reach low income and underserved. I think astrology qualifies. Let's find out where to get our paycheck.

6/2/09 8:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes!!! Fork it over jackasses!

6/2/09 8:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Faith based??? FAITH BASED???

My base is entirely on faith.

6/2/09 9:00 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

or esses. We neo pagans need to keep our house fairies happy.

6/2/09 9:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

God, I feel good! Something has blown. For the first time I feel an increment of release from oppression. Ooooh, they're not going to like it. Tension coming.

6/2/09 9:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA!!! Our house fairies!

6/2/09 9:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You know what we could do? In our communities. Fundraising for artists. A pool collected from the people that artists could get grants from.

A developer here gave one of his units to the local artists to use as gallery space entirely free of charge.

6/2/09 9:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hooking hopes on other people is the sorrow, as a good NN 1 knows. No matter how well the other does there is an underlying sadness about the dependence, and a feeling that a vital part of the self is missing. If I could master that my life would be a success. If that's the right word.

I remember hoping so much for M to succeed and what pressure that was. I never want that again.

Hoping for others to do it for people is really a disguise for trying to control another's destiny. I "hope" this country learns.

6/2/09 9:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja, JM we are at a moment of reckoning and it is all about values rather than money. We think it's about money but what is underlying everything is how we use our resources to create comfort and security. Big gov, big military, big nukes all in the past. This is my meaning about the grandmothers, a different attitude about power and security of the community into the 7th generation.

6/2/09 9:14 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Hooking hopes on other people is the sorrow, as a good NN 1 knows.

hooboy, well said.

6/2/09 9:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Also this country is too big to be getting prescriptions from one east coast location. I have always believed in local solutions.

The artist/ grant idea is great. I love the idea of grants in general.People have a lot of zeal to create it takes so little money to get it done. That was my hope about a stimulus put it on the ground, local grants. Small monies. Let the people work.

6/2/09 9:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

We need a campaign to convince people that being a patron is a treasure. What we have here is well off people funding each other, hosting each other in their "galleries" excluding the real talent. Kinda weird really, it's the chamber of commerce folk. They have their idea of glory and it's being the artist instead of the patron. How did that happen. Everybody wants some celebrity. I actually long for the old days when we had Dr's and Lawyer's wives running the Arts.

6/2/09 9:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think you're right about power and security. Pluto (power), Venus in Cancer (security).

The whole 16 years opposes the Cancer stellium. and Pluto has a way of redoing from the source.

Who in the hell wants the biggest nuke on the planet when we have home fires that are going out? Comfort and security are so important to Cancers and we have to find our way there.

I'm going to do a post on this since I found some interesting news in my paper.

6/2/09 9:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The celebrity hunger is a killer. I don't know why it is. They go through such lengths, giving up their souls for the attention.

But I look at it this way. Artists sometimes are excluded for good reason. They go underground and develop themselves outside of these celebrity concerns which always trip them up. They get caught in the whirl and forget their souls too.

In hard times, maybe people get more honest. Maybe the true talents can emerge safely always staying on guard against their own weaknesses. The patrons will follow if the right leadership comes. There's been an emptiness. We've been on Desolation Row.

Again, that's why I think the weakness from above is going to help us all.

6/2/09 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There's an ingrained civic pride in us and that's why I think local solutions are destined. All towns are invested in their artistic cultural expression. It's easy to get people motivated. They love to give money when enthusiasm is aroused. When a cause comes along. Maybe even more than retail purchasing. So some cooperative funding is well within reach. City governments like to get in on it too.

6/2/09 9:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I could do a lot as Pluto comes in. I'm beginning to feel some energy and once I get out there, who knows what I'll get into? One little flicker can light a bonfire.

6/2/09 9:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

One little flicker can light a bonfire.
indeed, especially one that cast that BIG a shadow.

Man, the coyotes are really yipping tonight, it's wild, every dog for miles is barking. What's up. Maybe Mt Redoubt will erupt. There is sure a lot of tension.

I'm going to grab some shut-eye. I learned how to write code to make a shopping cart for tseka. My eyeballs hate doing code, you have to watch every little letter and space.

6/2/09 9:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I look forward to your post referent to your newspaper. I always love your writing style, you inspire me more than you can possibly imagine.

6/2/09 9:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh you sweet 1. My fractured ego is getting healed.

The yipping coyotes is a good sign to me. Speaking up.

Great accomplishment! The shopping cart. Make it easy for them

Good night, my love. later....

6/2/09 9:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh, my ego. Inspiration is multidirectional.

What a beautiful statement about my writing. My heart is content. And my potatoes are baking.

It's here.

6/2/09 9:56 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I've been thinking about the sovereign citizen.

For several years i have been asking the question,"when did America become a corporation?" The US code, the codes of Federal Regulation have all but replaced the constitution. We have a corporate body and 50 corporations as states. Do you remember G Bush telling us he was going to be our CEO? One thing, I always listened to Bush, he liked to tell the truth with that smirk. It was so outlandish we all thought he was whacked.
No always, me thinks. I think he liked the joke on us.

Anyway one thing is We the People are still a government under a constitution we did not agree to dissolve it. And we are each and everyone sovereign. What are our responsibilities to a corporation that goes bankrupt? This is the question in my mind.

There are some other alleys i've been wandering down as well.

I'll check back and see if you have any thoughts.
Typing is maddening funny how years ago none of us thought we even needed a computer, now i cannot imagine life without one.

11/2/09 6:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

also...I'm thinking about how a sovereign people could direct their money as a utility. As the banking crisis deepens a real opportunity arises for creating a second rail in banking, nationalizing banking(which is somewhat akin to the return of US treasury vs fed reserve). Investment banking, commercial banks provide opportunity for market games, all the risky stuff while a second parallel system acts more as a utility, like a road or water system, that connects we the people, no one owns separately and everybody uses. Money flows to where it's needed in communities. Hoarding or saving is not allowed in this system, in this way its similar to barter. Hedges, interest and etc have a place in investments and markets but it has become ridiculous in how it has put a stop to basic everyday exchange as everyone leverages it to take a cut as it passes trough their "control"

Pluto are you listening?

11/2/09 8:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

And if commercial banks make risky bets and loose. Ta TA!

11/2/09 8:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yup. Bush was funny all right. The nervous laughter at the truth.

Fantastic question. I would love to pursue this. I should post a blog entry on it.

There is serious talk about nationalizing now and I never thought I'd see the day. I think it's going to happen by the time Pluto leaves. I think we're headed for a crisis beyond imagination.

I love this. Your alternative banking line sounds great. It's all about re-distribution of power. Have they been discussing this other places?

11/2/09 9:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

if we simply don't put our money in their private banks, they can't survive. The people have to unite and organize. Good thinking.

I often think of the Asian-Americans who pool their money within their ccommunities. They do very very well.

11/2/09 10:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Good point about the Asians.

I heard (cover your eyes and return after the next two words) Bill Clinton speak about his small local loans projects and he suggested that the model could be useful here. That planted a seed for me. Most of the loans go to women and are for very small biz proposals, the payback rate is very, very high, almost no defaults. We little people pony up small amounts five or a hundred dollars put into a local lending pool and make short term small biz loans, direct loans. No leverage- a dollar goes in , a dollar goes out then comes back to be used again.

I honestly don't know if people are talking much about alt banking. nationalization crops up because we've already done this in insuring banks, Krugman was speaking about this the other day - we take failing banks into receivership on a regular basis- that is Nationalizing.

Unfortunately, from my perspective none of our largess to cover these bad debts comes back to we the people who loan the money. Our communities do not prosper. We rely too heavily on the bones the big guys throw out. I see this local type of lending similar to what small biz have done in relying on credit cards or lines of credit in past. I just was notified that my fixed rate CC changed- my biz card was 7.99 fixed, now it's variable 17.99 same with my personal card. Usury. And this is with a nearly 900 credit rating. I can't even imagine what it must be like for others.

Reading about Iceland's financial disaster. It all started just a few years ago, when they left nationalized banking for banks of commerce and allowed their money to be leveraged on the global market. No trickle down, only up. It is shocking that this can occur in less than 10 years.

To my mind Saturn Uranus opposition asks us to balance stability with risk. Maybe The virgo pisces is the set up for the libra Aries new forms.

12/2/09 9:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA!!!! My eyes are covered!

The 10 year factor is truly amazing. That tells us how quickly recovery could come once settled upon. I'll be back on this.

12/2/09 3:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The transition to Aries-Libra and the last opp being there is one of the most fascinating things I've seen in astrology. More on this later.

12/2/09 5:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Holy moly JM did you happen to notice that the piano is being played? Look at the D, it's depressed.

OMG secret messages for us from the faery....depression of the D.

I'm airlifting orange cranberry scones.

12/2/09 8:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG. D is my favorite note. You are in another dimension with your powers of observation. Unbelievable my Sticky 1.

Speaking of sticky ... Orange cranberry scones??? My singing taste buds! In D! Let's decode.

12/2/09 10:15 PM  

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