A Light
I'm sending up this flame in celebration of purity in the cells, relaxation in the muscles, and strength in the bones.
Health is not always what it appears to be. Sometimes a flawed body contains a healthy mind and spirit, if even a body exists at all. So this light applies to any body we choose to appreciate.
“Health is not always what it appears to be. Sometimes a flawed body contains a healthy mind and spirit,...”
That is right. Even in the sickest person there is some health left and the healthiest person has some minor complaint here or there. There is no such thing as absolute health or absolute sickness (yin & yang everywhere).
From what I've seen, sickness in one area is contrasted with health in another. A person can have a healthy bank account, but be in treatment for cancer. Some of the most soulful wise people I've known have had physically hard lives.
The Pisces-Virgo axis which you are on deals directly with this. Somatic breakdown vs spiritual-psychological health.
For me, it's the most liberating thing of all to invest equally in experiences as they unfold. One thing naturally seeks its opposite in order to keep moving. Just as birth seeks death, and maybe vice versa.
“Some of the most soulful wise people I've known have had physically hard lives.”
That is right and a lot of the wisdom they gained was through their hardships. But one thing is growing through hardship and an other is to get stuck in hardship. There is a big difference.
"For me, it's the most liberating thing of all to invest equally in experiences as they unfold."
I think in that lies the mastery and the freedom.
It would be amazing to experience everything ths way. Not trying to squirm out, not looking for rescue. Once an event is here it's ours. To do with it what we will. Why not?
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