Friday, June 15, 2007

Another light.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely "be'twixt and be'tween'" image. :-)
Thank you. sige

16/6/07 5:17 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Glad you noticed this sige. The poet in you.

16/6/07 1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

earth/water/air, day/night, light/dark, a journey place. sound the drum! (softly!) @;-) sige

17/6/07 4:06 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I hear the drum. It's being stroked, not beaten.

17/6/07 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The heartbeat of the earth, echoing through our being, connecting us to the universe. Where do we want to go? The options are limitless. I think for me, the underworld. I haven't swum with my whale or ran with my tiger for a long time. I miss them. They know how to stretch.

Okay then! ~~sige

20/6/07 4:25 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

hello my friends
i am just now back from my journey north.

I met amazing people.
And a cat; Tobi.

In a place where only deaf people live, some things wonderful are happening.


The first night my brother stayed alone in his new apartment (a view of Mount Hood framed in the east facing window) he slipped from his wheelchair. No one heard him crash. The halls were deaf to him. His neighbor was watching her television. Her cat though attuned to the needs of his mistress heard the crash and pointed his ears and paw to the adjoining wall. The neighbor scolded him out of the way. So, he gave her a little leg nudge and emphatically pointed again.

Alarms were sounded the nurse came running keys opened the door and a little rescue took place. Meanwhile the cat supervised it all.

I met him, this amazing Tobi, the next day a dignified fellow who understands several signs, like "friend",I thanked him.

Guardian angel.

Just what we have been thinking JM, the animals have a lot to tell, teach us.

20/6/07 9:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Politically the story fits some of our sensing of what's coming too.

Oregon is very progressive.
This residence has 70 beds some are not full it is fabulously beautiful. Built in a craftsman style. A spacious apt set up to
American's with disability standard plus full meals cost 1200.00 a month. It is owned by a corporation. The owner is committed to maintaining a deaf only facility even at a loss.

The care is staged to need. 24 hour nurse on staff (one just called me to give me an update-she was getting a sign language lesson from my brother-she pays with ice cream bars) maintaining independence it the priority.

The staff with only 3 exceptions are deaf. The three exceptions are the administrators, all sign. Most are women between 55 and 60.

i spent a lot of time laughing.
OMG when people pull together and decide to make the best of things they are.

I've spent the past 4 years volunteering as an Ombudsman in facilities and have not encountered anything like this. Amazed.

There is hope blooming.

Do you think.....

20/6/07 10:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka. My friend.

What tales you have as usual. What a joy to have your sensitivity back. And your high flying spirit.

This is such great news. 1200 is cheap.

Yes yes yes. There is hope blooming. Not only hope, but practice of what is good.

I've got the G-bumps. I know your bro will be happy and most of all content. I know the NN in Taurus will revel in the relaxation of the paralysis. Just what he needed. The beauty, the touch. All Taurus. I am so glad.

There is so much progression in the smallest places. Always going on. We can align with the right things and make our lives work as well as everyone in orbit in our systems.

20/6/07 10:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And welcome of many for you.

20/6/07 11:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The cave was cool, still, quiet, and lonely without you, but oddly full, reverberating with your words and feelings. Always checking for your return. Sige and I held down the fort, like this lighthouse waiting for those at sea. Wow. To share these real sensations in this unique way is more than I could have imagined.

20/6/07 11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

{{{tseka}}} can't restain, must greet you with a hug. jm is right, we held down the fort, kept the space open and clear for an echo from you.

Tobi the cat, integrity, ice cream bars, craftsman-style home, Mt. Hood, east-facing window, omg.

There is so much progression in the smallest places. Always going on. We can align with the right things and make our lives work as well as everyone in orbit in our systems.

Exactly what JM was reminding me the other day!


21/6/07 4:15 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the animals know what to do all the way around. They act naturally.
We seem so awkward and maybe this is because we are in an intermediary stage where instinct is changing in part to intellect for survival, but we're not there yet. Maybe the animals are the instinctive voice still there to guide us.

Becoming bipedal has made us vulnerable. The animals could be down on the earth comfortable to help keep us safe. Give us ballast.

In my last apartment, the ducks and the geese lived with us. I used to look out and envy their freedom. We were the imprisoned ones.

22/6/07 12:43 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Thanks for the welcoming home.
You cannot imagine how much it means to me.

Different homes. My favorite ones are not buildings.

22/6/07 4:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

how wise you are.

22/6/07 4:34 PM  

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