Friday, August 03, 2007

Water and stone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I saw a pair of bald eagles flying over the Mississippi River, where it is widest and slowest, before it is tamed and constricted by the locks and dams that line the banks by the city. Here, it is a long way north of where the bridge collapsed. Eagles and other raptors are frequent sights along this wilder area.

The eagles' flight pattern resembled a slowly spinning pinwheel, as if they were rotating on an invisible axis. They mirrored each other's positions almost perfectly. Occasionally their white tails caught the sunlight and gleamed against the darker body before fading against the bright sky.

I found myself almost choking up while watching the flight of the most sacred animal known to the Native people, and the national symbol of this country.

Are we ever going to rise above the lies, deceptions, machinations and theft, and embody the truth, honesty, cooperation and generosity? Ever?

3/8/07 8:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I feel this way too joe. Exactly. I wonder why this has to be. I don't think we're going to see any flight above this sorrow except in our own lives ocassionally. Sometimes it just seems plain ludicrous.

I don't know why humans are so troubled. Maybe evolution will help us feel more comfortable eventually.

I get the exact same reaction when I look at the innocent beauty of nature. Maybe there's a longing to go back to these times. The limbo we were talking about seems to be our predicament.

Beautiful comment. As long as I experience this from people I know we're all right.

3/8/07 9:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And the thing is, I've asked the same question you did over and over and no one has a clue. We're groping in the dark. It's like we're all in the wrong bodies trying to get free.

3/8/07 9:28 PM  
Blogger kj said...

All I know is what Gandhi said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world."

4/8/07 4:21 AM  
Blogger kj said...

joe, it must be heartbreaking to witness the aftermath of the bridge collapse. i'm so happy you went North and witnessed the eagle's flight. i hope you can go there often and take care of your soul.

the weekend after 9/11, jbk and i drove to the lake of the ozarks. i sat outside on the dock and was rocked by the waves from- literally- sunup to sundown. spoke to one lone fisherman. that day went a long way.

4/8/07 4:37 AM  
Blogger kj said...

tseka, come home!!!

5/8/07 7:28 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

hej kj
i am home.
thank you for thinking of me.
Lots learned under that Venus Rx on my south node|descendant with an assist from Saturn.

I will probably need quite some time to process it all.

Much that filled our conversations here this past winter, spring was the topic or played out in some way at my show.

I sent out a little booklet-invitation with paintings, debated a long while and added poetry/prose. Would i alienate my customer i wondered? Create confusion, limitations?

Perhaps 30 percent of the recipients came as a result of that little booklet. Shocking. 30%. And the stated reason?? the poetic words that connected the image to the ephemeral thoughts wandering among these people.

There is a hunger for the authentic. We have spoken of this here, explored the path of we kindred and where it is taking us, if we will find support.

So, while it is just a small one person experience i am here to report that in general the sales were poor, people wandered with glazed eyes disinterested. But, in my space the energy was crackling. People were misty eyed with appreciation. And they purchased. Happy to carry something home that connected them to themselves.

What i observed was that the usual top sellers were quiet. The more commercial a product the less attention. I was stunned. Not since the 80's have i seen such a response from the public. i am heartened.

I spoke with one of my gallery owners this afternoon. She came to see me /the show. Her assessment was just as mine. We both sense this change in what is wanted. Less commercial, more real. Her comment- the handful who were doing well were the ones who clung through the hard times to their art and craft and did not "sell out".

So, my beloved friends who have worked so long and hard, the news is good. The movement that i have been trying to give name to, is sharpening. It is easy to pick the "real" out of the mass.

I spoke at length with the museum director. Much to think about....much to think about. Art is often the harbinger.

5/8/07 10:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...


5/8/07 10:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I believed the saturation point would come. I'm glad I waited.

5/8/07 10:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

ja jm
The museum director actually pulled out a notebook and stood with me for a long time jotting notes.

It's been more than 20 years since i've experienced anything like this.

The desire for something real has grown acute.

I wondered if anything could penetrate the glazed over public, aimlessly wandering.

Saturn in Leo, Venus in Virgo in some sense they are like a mutual reception in that they bring energies to the spaces that they occupy in a most unusual way. Yet they are so close together that they can assist one another in grounding the beauty-art-desire into the practical experience of the human world. Neptune's fog is dissipating it would seem. And yet it is a hunger that is connected to the soul rather than the physical that seems to present.

Have you any thoughts on this?

5/8/07 11:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't know where to begin, in many ways.

I associate it with bigger factors and probably the Saturn-Neptune aftermath as well as Pluto leaving.

Sagittarius is the honesty. Pluto in the GC.

More as I think.

5/8/07 11:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is such beautiful graceful news and I am a little surprised it's come so soon, but I know it's real.

I've felt for a long time that the seriousness of Capricorn would cut through the false glamour and commercial thinness. Saturn-Neptune probably was the culmination of this falseness, at the same time the longing for the soul quality you feel they want.

I think this brought the longing back to the surface along with the NN in Pisces and Uranus. There's been a lot of Neptune. Add to this the progressed USA Sun which just entered Pisces for 30 years.

Artists need Neptune.

It's been a long long time and cycles go round and round. The saturn in virgo should bring the grounding you mentioned as it opposes Uranus in Pisces in the next couple of years.

But the biggest event is Pluto leaving and Sagittarius is the salseman of the cosmos. The hype must have reached its limit and now the soul of Sagittarius will be what's left. The uplifting and the spiritual. The nonmaterial.

Perhaps in the Capricorn years the market will change to incorporate this honesty as we've talked about.

But also the Neptune. Neptune is coming to the USA Moon. It rules our illusions as the artist captures them and I associate both the Moon and Neptune with imagination, grace, and beauty. And longing.

So maybe it's really all the Neptune changing the false to the poetic, with our PSun, the Moon, and the mutual reception, Neptune and Uranus.

What do you think?

5/8/07 11:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

From my perspective it is all about the Ullr bridge...crossing the bridge
the alignment of memory|inspiration.

Memory can be the source of structure. And memory can be the source of destruction.

If you consider that we are often dis-eased by a memory; ours, our ancestor's, society's. We keep going back searching for the missing part in our memory trying to patch the hole.
Over and over.

Just as we have said, all that moaning and ranting over our politics is pointless. It just keeps our dis-ease fresh and active.

If we are the whole, as i believe, then we are responsible for the dis-ease, disorder. If we allow our memory to run amok..well...

In homeopathy i find the exactly similar pattern to fill the memory gap. This cures.

Inspiration works too. Love. Filling the gap.

Memory is essential it hold the structure. Inspiration is essential, it creates.

We are sick. Sick of our memories tired of going over and over the same unfixable track.

Open the door to inspiration. Light the path. The bridge is discovered.

Weren't these all the topics of our conversations?

5/8/07 11:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I rely on Neptune the most as an artist. The visions can't find a place in reality without some help, though. So the Pluto in Capricorn could be the ticket.

Another thing I noticed tonight is that Saturn will be transiting the USA Neptune at 22 in the 10th during the transit. The excesses of the Sagittarius years are as good as gone. Sag can heat things up so much that people don't feel what they are missing. The serious times ahead, and Capricorn's sedate sorrow should do the trick. People will be reminded of what they need to fill this sad space.

Artists don't do well with false gaiety and all of that. With false anything. So reality seems to be settling in. I never thought I'd be glad about that.

One of the reasons I've waited is because of this. I never wanted success unless the response was genuine from the soul and I couldn't figure out how to get this across. Could be the time.

This is great news.

5/8/07 11:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I am almost in tears. this is good.

Just as we have said, all that moaning and ranting over our politics is pointless. It just keeps our dis-ease fresh and active.

And how. And I completely agree with you about memory.

Weren't these all the topics of our conversations?

And how again. I wonder if these talks have affected the alignment for us. I'm sure they have.

Honestly, at this point I have no idea how to proceed, but hopefully we can sort it out in a pattern as it appears. This is the start.

We are sick. Sick of our memories tired of going over and over the same unfixable track.

This is about to change with the Uranus influence coming up.

But fundamentally, I think all we have to do is just what you and I have done all along. Continue on our own paths allowing our own destinies to take shape.

The last week of M's life I saw that 3 hour documentary on PBS of working obscure artists around the country and I knew then it was going to happen. He was dying beside me and I had to have something big to replace him. I can't just do a la di da nothing for small change. I have to connect with IT, and that includes an audience.

The bridge is discovered.

The bridge in Minneapolis was it. The false bridge torn down to make way for the real. The ASC of the chart was 26-27 Sagittarius, and you know what's going on there now.

One thing I think is important is to be as honest as we can be around here too.

6/8/07 12:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

There are many factors in the bridge collapse and I think you'll be interested in them. Still, no one else seems to be perceiving it, but that might not matter.
It's a watershed.

6/8/07 12:19 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes the bridge in Minneapolis
and the stock market crash, what better example of false material structure than the stock market...

I am remembering a conversation you and i had over at AW about Venus and Eos. Venus in one guise as the war general. She is exiting that now becoming once again the morning star, Venus associated with Taurus and the creative, generative.

The next few months could be very interesting. i actually think that now is a very important time to crystallize thoughts about the next form. Put into words the "movement" I am working on this and will likely retreat into a wandering silence to figure our my participation in the whole we are creating.

It's exciting.

6/8/07 12:24 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I also have not forgotten that Mars will be going retro in Cancer this November.

6/8/07 12:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Do you have anything lined up?

i actually think that now is a very important time to crystallize thoughts about the next form

I do too. Speaking of bridges, this is what I feel. But the beginning of it without the other side in full view yet.

This is very good news about Venus and it makes complete sense. How long will she be there? I've had enough of war. Maybe for the first time.

6/8/07 12:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG, of course. Mars in Cancer. Very very big. The end of this whole Saturn in Cancer presidency and the stuckness in bad memory that you mentioned. Mars will be in charge of the crossing of Pluto into Capricorn at that point. look at the numbers. It's amazing. That is the exact bridge. Cancer. Maybe a time for action.

6/8/07 12:33 AM  
Blogger jm said...

This is heralding the Capricorn-Cancer oppostion will be major for this country. I certainly figure in. And so do you. Uranus where it is. Could be the sensitivity to the public we have. This is a brand new thought. Our public connection. Omg.

6/8/07 12:36 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So I think I got it. The Mars retro on our Cancer points as Pluto enters Capricorn. Mars action. Public. A start of a long trend for all of us, you, me, and our country. I'm going to look at the details.

6/8/07 12:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg. Mars turns direct at 24 Gemini. My venus.

6/8/07 12:39 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG! And where does Mars turn retro??? You got it! 12 degrees Cancer!

I think we just got it, tseka, my friend.

6/8/07 12:41 AM  
Blogger jm said...

What a joy to have a real astrologer in the house!!

6/8/07 12:42 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes and from my jule/namnsdag research that point is lokibrennen.
Loki's brand.
The fire of Loki.
Loki= chaos.

smack dab on my Uranus...
well it will be interesting.
And the USA is named too.

We may need to borrow Winston's Moonbatmobile for the bumpy ride ahead.

But the namnsdag is also naming the star Sirius. Which is the source of love and healing. The healing crisis?

Who knows, except we, and others feel like it is a potent moment of potential and if we fail to participate then we may find the world not much to our liking.

6/8/07 12:43 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha, ha yes indeed my friend we are called.

6/8/07 12:45 AM  
Blogger jm said...

When Mars turns retro on your Uranus, Pluto will be back on your Sun. When he turns direct on my Venus, Boom! Pluto 0 Capricorn.

6/8/07 12:46 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yep it's crossing the Ullr bridge time and i'm not too concerned about what is at the other side. I trust. I am looking at who i am crossing with, i offer my hand. Shall we stroll?

6/8/07 12:49 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Who knows, except we, and others feel like it is a potent moment of potential and if we fail to participate then we may find the world not much to our liking.

Omg. Oh oh oh.

This is fascinating. It ties in the Sagittarius and Cancer which I think is the most spiritually emotional combination there is. A huge understanding of the public's emotional pulse and an ability to soothe troubles like no others.

6/8/07 12:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

My hand is in yours.

6/8/07 12:51 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I am stunned, my bridge crossing partner. Absolutely stunned by what we came up with tonight. How did I manage without you??????

6/8/07 12:53 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Winston knows and he is greasing his axles now!

6/8/07 12:54 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Then, too there is the North Node entering Aquarius at the winter soltice or at the Ullr bridge just before the winter solstice.

The Spiritual, individual, fairness and freedom...

6/8/07 12:56 AM  
Blogger jm said...

But the namnsdag is also naming the star Sirius. Which is the source of love and healing. The healing crisis?

Yes. My post tomorrow as a matter of fact is just about this.

6/8/07 12:57 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

bursting out with laughter...thanks Winston, i've always felt i could rely on you. We quirky Uranian types are fundamentally reliable.

6/8/07 12:58 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG! I didn't know the NN would be at this point entering Aquarius. This is a major transit and we will enjoy tracking it. Great information.

6/8/07 12:59 AM  
Blogger jm said...

We quirky Uranian types are fundamentally reliable.

HA HA!!! I've noticed that!

6/8/07 1:00 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It's a jam packed solstice this year.
I think i will go into isolation so i can enjoy it.

The lids are comin' off the boxes.

My peepers are drooping.
Ulli-Maki is insisting that it is bed time- such a loverboy. I am still amazed that a feral cat could waltz in and be so at ease. He takes great pains to "talk" to me, make eye contact. It blows me away.

6/8/07 1:04 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

See ya around deerheart.

6/8/07 1:05 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Hugs, a million kisses, and welcome in!

6/8/07 1:09 AM  
Blogger kj said...

Wow. Great news from the North Country!

tseka, I'm very happy to learn that people responded to your poetry/prose booklet... that married your word mind to your painted creations.

First thought on that is that it gave people permission to think while they experienced the paintings.

Kathleen Norris talked about lecto divina, or "holy reading," in one of her books. For me it is musing, letting a word or a sentence brew in the whole body/mind/soul. Until reading Kathleen's book some years ago, I had no idea there was a name for this kind of brewing.

And today, of course, with our attentions pulled this way and that, jump, jump, react, etc., there isn't overt permission to brew, ie, stop, turn off the telly, toss the newspaper, look at a painting and THINK.

So much trauma shuts the motor down, you know? And in that sense and that sense alone, I applaud trauma.

6/8/07 3:50 AM  
Blogger kj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6/8/07 4:00 AM  
Blogger jm said...


6/8/07 4:47 AM  
Blogger kj said...

hahaha! tea? {{{JM}}}

6/8/07 4:48 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

North Node lighting up Aquarius and Neptune in the USA house of our moon, our people, does that imply that this is our forward path, use our imagination and all the tools Neptune has to offer?

Good morning KJ. As you tape your lids on, over the rounded memories (i do love this!) and sip your white tea, say goodbye to the grandmother's house (temporarily) know i'm thinking of you.

Thanks for the Kathleen Norris concept of "holy reading".
Tseka means sacred story - presented by one person - a dance of one in a Tsetseka, the winter dances, the sacred dances of many woven together to bring the Next into being.
I take sacred to mean the authentic. What comes from listening. How about you?

6/8/07 7:26 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Pluto return for the US coming right up. This makes me consider the breaking away that occurred at the last cycle. The people broke from the monarchies. (in France as well) The monarchies could be considered an extension of the Imperial Cult, it is possible to look at them as a merchant group of sorts that was the long arm of the Romans. They gained control of Europe, set up the Nights (of round table etc)and the churches to enforce the will of the "cult" The treads go back even further.

A very familiar pattern, we can compare to corporations in the current, who represent hidden entities.

A mere handful of people laid out the path in a written document. It has stood for centuries. So now the moment arrives again for a mere handful of people to restate the the path of the "aquarian moon" peoples. The north node will be hitting our USA moon early next year.
It's interesting eh?

6/8/07 8:01 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. Very interesting. The breaking away from the monarchies seems to happening again. I got a strange feeling from Elizabeth's last visit.

There's been overwhelming confusion with all the Pisces and I've thought that this country got lured into the Iraq game, possibly by these entities you mentioned. The 29 Pisces. So maybe this thing will get resolved with the Aquarian times ahead.

I just noticed something intersting. The day the node leaves our Aquarian SN at 6, Apr. 12, 2009, Venus will be exactly at 29 Pisces. Jupiter will be almost conjunct Neptune in Aquarius.

Interesting. It looks lke our Uranus-Neptune times are going on for a long spell. The effects of the long mutual reception.

Btw, Jupiter will go into Capricorn during the upcoming Mars in Cancer retro. The exact day the NN goes into Aquarius.

I wonder if things are not at all what they appear to be with all this Aquarius-Neptune. We shall see.

6/8/07 12:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My theory.
All of this is trying to free us from the old monarchies so we can get to our NN in Leo and our own strength of leadership. We are young and inexperienced.

6/8/07 12:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja jm
i agree, and it does seem that the Saturn transit through Leo has been to our benefit.

The trine to Pluto in the GC is pretty big.

I heard some interesting stuff last weekend. My neighbors at the show are 39. I really, adore this couple. The fellow told me how since they began to sell their artwork 3 years ago in the really good venues (like the Museum and the American Craft Council shows)their world has been tipped on end. The fellow had always had an attitude towards the baby-boomers he told me. He thought he was well informed. Then he began to hang out with we veterans of these shows mostly approaching 60 now. What he told me is how much he realized his education was lacking, how conversations such as ours (his and mine)have led him to a different understanding of America, politics, and alternative culture which he had thought was some "hippie drugged out delusion". Alors he has become a "liberal" who now reads says he.
As we chatted he told me how much people of our generation have extended themselves to help them get established. I had an aha moment...Saturn in Leo over all of our Plutos....mentoring.
I caught myself casting a backward glance to my similarly aged compadres, and i think making an effort to bridge the generational gap is new for many.

Some of us love all ages, but i have noted these biases. Saturn on Pluto in Leo is asking us to be more mature and responsible for our culture?

6/8/07 2:18 PM  
Blogger kj said...


I am so happy you're back! (And with a great report on the world.)

Thank you for remembering this is Grandma's house. She seems to be okay with us leaving, the place is peaceful. I wonder if we will ever return, but am not worried. She doesn't seem to be worried about that either.

Tseka means sacred story - presented by one person - a dance of one in a Tsetseka, the winter dances, the sacred dances of many woven together to bring the Next into being.
I take sacred to mean the authentic. What comes from listening. How about you?

hmmmm, so much here. So rich. :-)

Sacred to me means Grace. Grace felt, seen, heard, expressed. Grace in landscape, mood, air. Always there. It is our choice, although sometimes it breaks through even the dense moments.

6/8/07 3:09 PM  
Blogger kj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6/8/07 3:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka, I must say, you are very good at this. I'm amazed at what you've come up with.

Yes. The transits sink in and take effect afterward. You are right. The whole Pluto generation has matured and when Pluto goes in to Capricorn we will reap the benefits, especially those of us who have been patient. Leo can have a problem with immaturity, not wanting to be an adult.

The fellow told me how since they began to sell their artwork 3 years ago in the really good venues (like the Museum and the American Craft Council shows)their world has been tipped on end.

This is important for me to hear. I must follow this track and find the mature good places myself. Big change and this is encouraging.

Pluto will oppose the USA Sun which will bring this Saturn-Leo lesson to the fore. But not without opposing Venus first. The arts.

6/8/07 3:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What I think is that money is going to be spent more wisely soon.

6/8/07 3:18 PM  
Blogger kj said...

Interesting. It looks lke our Uranus-Neptune times are going on for a long spell. The effects of the long mutual reception.
What does this mean? Uranus-Neptune times? I do read, but for whatever reason, it doesn't stick. I think Neptune is water, flow. Uranus an imp. ??? Close?

6/8/07 3:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Go pack your boxes and I'll explain a little later;-)

6/8/07 3:21 PM  
Blogger kj said...

Okay. :-)

I also like The transits sink in and take effect afterward. because this I can visualize. This is beautiful.

6/8/07 3:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is also what I think.

With all the Pisces I've been in artistic dreamland to the point of dissipation. I don't know about others, but my friends got to kicking back and letting the sewage take its course, waiting for better times.

Now with all the Capricorn coming in, the scattering of forces will probably consolidate and the market will change as it proceeds. There is a little time to reroute, but the confusion I sense in other artists could be drawing to a close. The non-artists who have dominated might be the confused ones soon.

It all depends on what sells, and from what you're saying this is changing. Right on time.

6/8/07 3:32 PM  
Blogger kj said...

There were days just before we moved here (well, the entire last year before we moved here), where I specifically sought out grace in the dingy streetscapes. I needed to see it, and once seen, then felt, to remind myself that grace, or the sacred, existed everywhere, all the time.

6/8/07 3:56 PM  
Blogger kj said...


I'm tired of packing. ;-) The cat is laying down under my chin. She is tired of packing too.

I'll go read.

6/8/07 3:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

"It all depends on what sells, and from what you're saying this is changing. Right on time."

Except, as my son reminds, i see what has not occurred yet.

I see the patterns and then start encouraging, nudging, dropping hints. This time i plan to make these bolder. i am in discussion with one gallery owner about a series of articles about the "movement" that will go into Art Magazines. We'll see. These things cost. All we need are enough who are convinced that it is our responsibility to heal this broken mess. Put the money to collective good instead of self. Too much to ask?

6/8/07 4:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Don't even ask. Assume it fills a contemporary need and do it.

Here is the situation for the two of us. Pluto to my Mars and to your Aries Jupiter. This will release the blockage to the aggression required. We don't have to ask permission to thrust into life. This we are about to learn.

This time i plan to make these bolder

You said it.

Pacing is important now.
I think the articles are a fantastic idea in this Mars in Gemini country. They respond to the spoken and written word as your poetry on the invitation proved. I think this is why Raging Uni created itself to my surprise. the word is highly important, and I still think magazines are in good shape, mediawise.

This is excellent and I think you should do it. I even read the Art magazines. It all goes into subconscious levels so we need the real writers.

6/8/07 4:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think we will have to be patient just a little longer as the patterns align, but the preparation time is now.

6/8/07 4:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm actually interested in more of the details of your experience as it settles in. Good and bad are always going on together, and art juxtaposed with society and the market is always painful to some extent for the artist. We have to live with this. This is part of the restricting Saturn lessons ahead.

6/8/07 4:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This is important for me to hear. I must follow this track and find the mature good places myself. Big change and this is encouraging.

Might you be interested in something like this?

The jury for the Art just concluded. I do not know if the muscians have been selected but i can inquire. I do this event it is promoted my my friends. tseka@tseka if you want me to find out....a futon awaits and transportation from PS airport to JT and the event.

6/8/07 8:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Last year's jazz was not too inspiring but previous years have been good to OMG great! philly club jazz, NOLA deep muddy blues all kinds.

It is a natural open-air amphitheater.

6/8/07 8:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This sounds good. I don't see why the worry. The agony. There are so many people and enough with good taste and desire for grace and beauty to provide for all of us. Maybe we have to keep reminding one another of this since it goes on away from the main stage, but that's probably the good part.

It's going to take me a minute to get it together so I know I won't be ready for this event, but after I get rolling, I will be.

One of the first things I have to do is get a van for my gear and the road. Once that's done, everything will change.

These events are going on all over the country constantly. The connections should be easy once I'm out. It will be great fun to meet up around something like this.

One of the most exciting things here is that I haven't heard of any of these musicians. I love it. Emerging talent. the status quo, like you said, has gotten so sick it's unbearable. Well, it has been for me for a long time. New life is sprouting. In me, as well. Just reading this is a kick!

6/8/07 9:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

hmmm sychronicity at work, just heard the jazz is filled too...Nick Colionne and some others. Well we can plot for next year....

6/8/07 9:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sure is true about the Art venues once you are in, everyone leads you to the next. I have had friends of friends bunking down for a night and a meal or maybe more for years...and years. We are sorta the new gypsy.


6/8/07 9:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Is california still as hip as it was? Probably underneath it all. The magazine cover looks good, and K.D. Lange actually can sing. She does well. The money's around too. They all need some guidance. That will do it.

The aftermath of Saturn in Leo is going to propel some new figures into the forefront.

6/8/07 9:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes!! Next year! I'll be more than ready.

I have a feeling, tseka, that it's going to unfold in quite a wonderful way. The most important thing for me right now is to relax in my cells and bones, absorbing confidence, and taking my time. Let the Saturn return settle and gel.

6/8/07 9:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's absolutely true about one venue leading to the next. It goes on its own momentum. It would be fabulous to have a real network of artists to meet up with around the country. This is exciting.

6/8/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Most of California is a little to self involved.

I prefer Portland Oregon
your neck of the woods has a pretty good rep too.

Lots of things are changing
Just as in medicine, people are becoming aware that they can resist the commercial and find the brilliant alternative. Connect.

6/8/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Traditionally it's been politically rough times that have made for the best artistic spurts, and I think this is happening. The consumerism has comsumed them all and we're left standing proud. And skinny!

I've got to get that van!!

6/8/07 9:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's pretty good here, but there is a feeling of being cut off that pervades.

The alternative will become more attractive as the node transits Aquarius. This we can count on.

6/8/07 9:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Be participants.

That seems to be a key ingredient.

Participating being in an equal position to the artist is so different than the contrived concerts...part of what i'm thinking about with the articles on the "movement". The union of the participants. One thing already written addresses perfection vs creativity.

6/8/07 9:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The one relief I feel is a growing detachment from the political. More like my real self. I was in pain during the Pluto-Moon transit so I connected to the political suffering against my usual nature. That part will never change, the obvious political. It's not supposed to. The alternative will also thrive. I'm returning enriched, never to engage with that part of it again. I can take the new poltical awareness into the artistic path we have to forge. It's all comng into focus. I think the Saturn in Virgo will be a honing.

6/8/07 9:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't stand the concerts! I stopped going ages ago. You are so right. The participatory angle. The movement is like dance. Being trapped in an auditorium is like authoritarian control and I rebel quickly.

Music should be in the streets as part of life. In the marketplace. Everywhere. I don't mind the night clubs at all.

6/8/07 9:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Same with art. It should be in public places. We need agents to connect us to restaurants, clubs, etc. I see that more and more. Mixed media in public places and people are so proud of the art they have on their walls.

6/8/07 9:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One thing already written addresses perfection vs creativity.

I would love to hear more.

6/8/07 9:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Everytime i come back to this thread there is that beautiful first post by Joe. I wonder how many times i have read it now. The white tails flashing in the sunlight, spinning triangles in the sky...
i agree with you jm. Something inspired has settled into our Joe. Always there, of course we saw in the eggs but something more free now a bit more spontaneous?

6/8/07 9:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

One thing that has come from discussions among friends is the need to keep the experiences similar to their roots. Promoters have swarmed in over the years seeing an opportunity to cash in. We see how we lost control by believing in the free aspects. So this may be another Saturn in Leo lesson. There are all kinds of restraint that are actually beneficial to preserve a loose and free environment. Recognizing the paradox is the surprise i think.

6/8/07 9:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh yes. Yes. That comment is gorgeous and I, too, keep rereading it. I think he's coming out more and more and his verbal gift, which is always there, is finding release as he gets comfortable. Saturn in the 1st is so hard.

I want to be part of bringing these talents out in others as they do in me. We must. They are usually so overlooked. I loved joe's words from his first post at AW.

6/8/07 9:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Today I saw a pair of bald eagles flying over the Mississippi River, where it is widest and slowest, before it is tamed and constricted by the locks and dams that line the banks by the city.

One of my favorite parts. Right off the bat.

6/8/07 9:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I loved joe's words from his first post at AW.

me too. There was that flash of recognition a small group, most of whom have gravitated to these linked blogs. A swell of excitement.
I do love this and it has only grown over the past year and some.


6/8/07 9:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another thing I loved about this comment was his love of our country, which I share. All the beauty still there waiting for our return. In the West, many people are still connected.

6/8/07 9:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Neo usually gets a gasp from me too.

are we not lucky?

6/8/07 9:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well deerheart. i stayed up tooooo late last night and now i pay. In the morning, before the heat comes to suck away my vitality, i must stack a cord of wood. Yep. It's time to set things in order for the days coming.

6/8/07 9:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, isn't it amazing how this small group formed? The recognition. I've always gone on this and felt that those in my circle would appear one by one. I thnk we have something special in these blogs you mentioned. I know we do. And you are a growing root in the system. How far into the earth and our hearts can you go?

6/8/07 9:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg, neo.

I admire your physicality. And how it connects to your survival. Good night, wise 1.

6/8/07 9:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

OMG it just hit me the offer to pick you up at the airport. OK, hmmm, my brain has been like this all day. I have not forgotten your feelings about air travel...definitely time for me to slip between the sheets.

6/8/07 9:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anything can happen.:-)

6/8/07 9:58 PM  
Blogger kj said...

JM, the words my buddy the Prof offers me with each encounter is this: "You can do it, Cinderella." The ritual of the words have sunk into the bones, as you said above. I'm smack in that place of "Do, or don't do." Right smack here.

One year for you. Bones, get ready to absorb. :-)

Birds build their nests every spring. "You can do it, Cinderella." {{{JM}}}

7/8/07 4:59 AM  
Blogger kj said...

and yes I so agree, Joe's post at the start of these comments is breathtaking, as is his photography and gorgeous eggs.

Thank you, Joe, for sharing your authentic soul.

7/8/07 5:01 AM  
Blogger kj said...

arrrrg. :-) for the record, my Cancers must be off swimming in some gorgeous lake somewhere, oblivious to the fact that i am not the slightest bit sentimental about keeping 'things.'

tomorrow is trash day, so i guess i'll toss 'til i drop today.

listening to quest4blues radio.

that's it. ;-)

7/8/07 1:15 PM  
Blogger kj said...

Memory, Imagination, and the ability to see New.

7/8/07 6:57 PM  
Blogger kj said...

There is a hunger for the authentic.

The desire for something real has grown acute.

And yet it is a hunger that is connected to the soul rather than the physical that seems to present.

The fire of Loki.
Loki= chaos.

Yes. The transits sink in and take effect afterward.

All we need are enough who are convinced that it is our responsibility to heal this broken mess. Put the money to collective good instead of self. Too much to ask?

Same with art. It should be in public places. We need agents to connect us to restaurants, clubs, etc. I see that more and more. Mixed media in public places and people are so proud of the art they have on their walls.

One thing that has come from discussions among friends is the need to keep the experiences similar to their roots.

There are all kinds of restraint that are actually beneficial to preserve a loose and free environment. Recognizing the paradox is the surprise i think.

Birds build their nests every spring. "You can do it, Cinderella." {{{JM}}}

8/8/07 5:13 AM  
Blogger kj said...

There is no use writing again about what happened in the aftermath of 9/11. Evidence of the great push/pull 'don't go there' 'go there, go there now!' remains littered all over the internet and in our own diaries.

Through experience with my family, during our visit this July, I see that the early stirring of sobriety I witnessed last December have settled in to some of the most strident 'go there now' people. They aren't happy they went there. There isn't just shame, there is defeat. The loss has settled in. It was too much, all way, way too much.

This is the weakness in the cliff face, as mpk so eloquently described at RU. An opening. A time for a long overdue healing.

8/8/07 5:21 AM  
Blogger kj said...


I hope you know how very much I value these homes of yours. You are providing, with your own heart, soul, body, mind, fully engaged, day-in-and-day-out, a place for those of us who have been scattered to the winds after the events of that September.

Those of us who haven't quit, but, such as in my case, have completely re-defined how they're directing their actions and intent.

It is important to me what you're offering here. This isn't some old run-of-the-mill blog. This is nothing less than a place of catalyst.

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."

8/8/07 5:28 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Those of us who haven't quit, but, such as in my case, have completely re-defined how they're directing their actions and intent.

This is why I think it was an important event for the country encouraging positive growth.

I have such high expectations, kj. Always reaching higher. In what way a catalyst

Love the Nietszche. I never know from day to day these days.

8/8/07 1:41 PM  

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